Wednesday, June 20, 2012

I Want to Get Married But He Doesn't

Has your love life become a sore source of irritation for you because you want to get married but he doesn't? You know that no-win situation where you feel an emotional wall between you that's caused by the fact that you have each dug in your heels on opposite sides of the marriage debate. You feel that you must (at all costs) get married... and he is quite happy with the non-committal nature of the relationship as it is. Are you in a place of frustration after trying sulking, tears and your entire arsenal of tricks to 'make' him change his mind but with no tangible results? Yes, he sometimes reacts to your jabbing but not to the point of changing his mind about getting married. So what should you do if you want to get married but he doesn't?

1. Understand why it is that you want to get married. Yes marriage is a great and desirable progression for any romantic relationship but to answer the question; 'why do I want to get married but he doesn't?' we will start by trying to answer the first part of the question... why do I want to get married? This part is all about you and your motives for wanting to get married so search your heart and be brutally honest about it... at least to yourself, so that you can move forward from this unhappy place. Ask yourself:

a. Am I afraid of being alone? Can you barely stand to be alone? Can you live at peace with just yourself? If your reason for getting married is just that you don't want to be alone then this may be a problem. He may realize that the only reason you want to marry him is because you just cannot stand being alone. No-one or rather no self respecting man wants to be a means to an end and he will resist all your efforts to get him to commit. You need to make peace with yourself... and to begin to enjoy your own company!

b. Am I terrified of losing this man? Are you just simply afraid of losing this man? Of course if you love him then you will have a strong desire to keep him in your life but what I'm talking about here is the irrational fear that if you don't tie him down as tightly and... as quickly as possible he may fly away. Do you feel like you hit the jackpot with him and you simply cannot understand why he would stay with you? Then the fear vibes that you are emitting may be making him run. Learn how to love yourself, as a unique and beautiful creation that's worthy of any man!

c. Am I in love with the idea of marriage and NOT necessarily with him? Some of us have been ready to get married since we were in our early teens... and we have this fantasy of what marriage will do for us... we will finally become complete human beings. Do you believe that you will finally only be happy if he says 'I do'? Do you believe that marriage will make you feel better about yourself and solve all your current problems? Then your reasons for getting married are all wrong and if you do get married you will be unhappy since no marriage can live up to your fantasy. Subconsciously you will be sending out a signal that marriage at any cost, to anyone is what you want... and he will get that vibe from you and he will resist marriage to you with all his strength. Get informed about marriage so that you can understand what marriage really is. Yes, marriage is great but it also has its share of challenges as two lives merge and begin to live in the closest human closeness possible. Think about such emotional, physical and spiritual closeness... won't there be challenges?

2. Understand why it is that he does not want to get married. You must now try to answer the 2nd part of the question 'I want to get married but he doesn't?'... the part on why 'he doesn't'? Remember that your man is actually a rational person and his refusal to marry you is based on some good reasons (at least they are good to him). Wait until he is relaxed and ask him casually why it is that he doesn't want to get married. If the marriage issue gets both of you angry and irrational then you may need to get help from someone else who is unbiased (not on his or on your side).

a. Has he been badly hurt by commitment situations in the past? Remember what he has told you about his past romantic history and how he grew up so as to gauge whether his past has a stranglehold on him today. If he is still living in the past then he will be unable to move forward with you until he makes peace with what happened in his relationships or in his growing up years. This can be a sticky point since his past will be painful and he has to want to deal with it in order to move forward with you. If he is unwilling to deal with his past then you may have to decide on whether you want to stay in this relationship with no assurance that he will ever come to the point where he will be ready to marry you.

To get married you both need to be ready with the right attitude toward each other and toward marriage.

This article is brought to you by SINGLES.

The Importance of Relational Intimacy

Society is centered on money and prestige. It's that simple. Even if you were born a happy hippy kid raised on granola and kisses, by now you know that money=prestige=success in western culture. Our cultivated egos value expensive cars, big houses, designer clothes, and exotic destinations.

From the moment we mature to the moment we die, the framework of our life is corrupted by the idea that material achievement is a necessary component of happiness.

We are the wealthiest society in the history of creation. This fact alone should ensure our happiness, and yet we are stressed and depressed because we place our values on things that will never love us back. We cultivate riches instead of enriching the relationships that heal us.

Western culture's definition of mental health coincides with the dominant values of our culture: autonomy, independence and wealth. We are raised in this isolated society to stand alone, be rugged individuals and capitalist ground-breakers. A healthier way of being productive would be to move, work and create within relationships.

I am reading the book Silencing the Self, Women and Depression by Dana Crowley Jack and I agree with Dana that it is natural, not needy, to look for intimacy in relationships; to cleave to a lover, friends, family and community for support.

Women are far more injured by our western role models because a woman is raised to seek intimacy in relationship, to communicate her feelings, to trust in and nurture others. A man is raised to strike out on his own, to keep his feelings subdued, and to be strong, decisive and courageous. This male role model does not mesh well with the intimacy seeking communicative female model. The sad truth is that men need intimacy just as much as women do; they just aren't raised to know it.

All of my manuscripts are based on the importance of relational intimacy. As a writer of woman's fiction, I am constantly looking for new ways to show the beauty of deep sustaining love; between friends, lovers, brothers-in-arms, or sisters of a common cause. Nothing we do in life is more important than the people whose lives we touch with care. Intimacy unearths pain, supports healing and is more valuable than any amount of gold. You cannot take your riches with you to heaven, but you can take the love and compassion you've invested in others.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

What Is the Definition of a Committed Relationship?

Commitment is not a one-way street. A relationship is doomed to fail if only one person is committed. Both parties involved should share the same goals and they need to have mutual agreements on the most important aspects of the relationship. You and your partner should be on the same page but if you haven't had "the talk" yet, how do you know that you are indeed in a committed relationship?

Here are some of the most common signs of a committed relationship:

1.) Exclusivity

This may raise an argument but I believe that when you both stopped dating other people and decide to be exclusive, that's when you know that you both are ready to take the relationship to the next level. While exclusivity cannot be considered as the sole definition of a committed relationship, it somehow seals the deal. Any relationship that does not involve fidelity or loyalty appears to be nothing but vague and hollow.

It's rather difficult to establish exclusivity because nobody really wants to bring this up in a conversation especially if you have been only dating for a few months. Being exclusive with someone goes unspoken sometimes. The most important thing is that you and your partner want the same thing and that is to be together.

2.) Long-term Plans

Establishing future plans with your partner is another obvious sign of a serious relationship. Afterall you wouldn't make plans with somebody that you know won't stick around for a little while. The more serious the relationship is the more you will think about your future together. When you tell each other your dreams it means that you have connected deeply. People who are seeing each other casually will never talk about the future and they focus more on their short-term goals.

3.) Passwords

Giving a person your email, phone and Facebook password is a big deal and if you reach this stage, it means you two are fully committed to each other. When someone gives you their password it means two things: they are not fooling around and they trust you enough. If your partner still has plans of hooking up with somebody else there is no way that they are going to freely give you their passwords. A couple who is in a serious relationship does not hide anything from each other. Being committed to a person means not giving them any reason to doubt your intentions. If you want to reach this stage then I would not suggest blatantly asking your partner for his passwords and make out like you need them so you can start trusting him. Successful relationships do not operate like that.

4.) You spend a night in each others' places

This is considered to be another obvious definition of a committed relationship. You can't get enough of each other and now you started to spend nights in his apartment and vice-versa. You leave your razor in his bathroom and he is completely OK with it. He even gives you a room in his closet and you keep a box of his favorite cereal in your pantry. If you start spending a night in each others' places it simply means that you are marking your territory.

5.) You both understand unspoken expectations

This is when you do things for each other without having to elaborate anymore. You are attending your cousin's wedding and your man knows he has to be there without feeling obligated. When a couple reaches this stage, they tend to feel more secure and they realize that they do things not just to please their partner but mostly out of love.

This news article is brought to you by BUSINESS AND TRAVEL - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Meeting, Dating And The Road To Commitment, Is Love Really All You Need?

It has always been right there in front of our faces. Since the time we were small children, until now. Snow White, Cinderella, Pretty Woman, and Officer And A Gentleman, just to name a few. All Falling in love with the "Prince", and going through some sort of turmoil for 90 minutes. Then, at the end of every movie, he rides up, they kiss, and ride off into the sunset to live Happily Ever After. We were taught to believe that love is all you need.

But, is it? Not really. Because, what you don't see is the afterward. You have to experience that yourself. The afterward is when that initial rush wears off, and you really start getting to know each other. These movies do not teach the realities of relationships, so those realities end up being a big surprise to everyone. What you don't see is...

* Cinderella yelling at Prince Charming because he wore muddy boots into the house

* Snow White throwing dinner in the trash because he didn't come home in time

* Julia Roberts throwing his clothes out the window because old flames are calling

* Debra Winger on a rampage because he was going with friends for the weekend

Once the fairy tale wears off, all you are left with is reality. That's fine. But, now you have to learn to deal with that, and there aren't many movies about afterward. Of course, you can still have your dream, but you are going to need a little more than love to accomplish that successfully.

Love is a wonderful thing, but making that deep connection between yourself and him will be the basis for your relationship to move forward together. Men can be difficult to reach on there own subconscious level because, even they don't understand the road blocks they put up to keep you from getting too close. Sometimes, it seems they even set you up to fail by doing something just to prove you will nag, yell, or be unreasonable. Love is simple, relationships, not always.

Learning how men think, how they feel, and how they work can certainly give you a better understanding of how you want to move forward with your relationship. Being able to remove the road blocks by making that deep connection with him, can send him the right signals that will allow him to move forward on his own, and want take you with him.

The truth is, there are far more single women than married in the United States. For any number of reasons, men and women alike are staying single longer. Time and time again you will hear a woman say "there are no good men out there." That's just not so. What there are however, is women who believe that relationships should be perfect, and so should the man they choose. No one is saying women need to settle for less, or that Happily Ever After can't happen. But, you will have to give up the movie notions you were raised on, and actually make the necessary connections with a man if you want him to move forward to the commitment you seek.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Adapting the Five Agreements for Relationships

If the earth grows inhospitable toward human presence, it is primarily because we have lost our sense of courtesy toward the earth and its inhabitants

~Thomas Berry~

I have wondered lately what it takes to maintain a relationship. I know people who have managed to stay together for many years, most of them happy. They encountered obstacles but worked together to surmount them. The odds of a marriage remaining intact are about fifty-fifty. I haven't seen any good data on the prospects of relationships outside marriage but they might not be much different.

Why is it so hard to stay together? Some of us look for what they can get rather than give to each other. Others don't take the time to get to know each other. Some don't even take the time to learn about themselves. If we don't know who we are, who our partners are, what we want from them or what we are willing to give them, no wonder staying together is an uphill battle.

I wrote before about Miguel and Jose Ruiz's book, The Fifth Agreement. They suggest five agreements with yourself to keep your life on course. Maybe we could adapt these same agreements to help maintain stable relationships.

The first agreement is to be impeccable with your word. Speak the truth rather than frivolity or gossip. We can speak seriously together of what we love about each other rather than what we find annoying, thus bringing us closer together rather than farther apart.

The second agreement is not to take anything personally. What if we took our partners' words and actions as their attempt to be the best partners they can be instead of seeing them as trying to hurt us. Relationships don't start between people trying to hurt each other. Maybe we can give each other the benefit of the doubt.

The third agreement is not to make assumptions. Instead of imagining our partners' thoughts, feelings and motivations, we can talk with them about our observations to find out what they really think and care about.

The fourth agreement is to always do your best. We all have good and bad days in our own skin and in our relationships. Sometimes it is harder to be with someone than at other times. We can use whatever abilities at our disposal on any given day to enhance our relationship. What we have available might not be ideal. But it is the best we have at the moment.

The fifth agreement is to be skeptical and learn to listen. We don't need to take everything at face value, including ourselves and our partners. We also need to remember that in conversations listening is more important than talking. Really hearing helps our understanding of each other and gives us a better chance to build a more solid relationship.

Life Lab Lessons

  • Tell your partner what you truly love about him or her.
  • Look for your partner's best intentions regarding how she or he acts.
  • If unsure what your partner means, make sure you ask.
  • Give your partner the best you have each day.
  • Don't take anything for granted, especially your relationship.

This news article is brought to you by AFFIRMATIONS - where latest news are our top priority.

Does He Want to Be More Than Friends? Signs He Wants a Serious Relationship

The first few weeks of dating is what I call the "blurry" stage. Unless a guy tells you, you really don't know if he sees you as someone he can just pass the time with or a woman he can be committed to. During this stage of the relationship, guys are usually trying to figure out whether or not you are girlfriend material. Yes, they actually want to know if you will pass the test. There are two types of women that men like to avoid (in general)- drama queens and high-maintenance chicks. So, if you don't belong to any of these two categories and the guy is being extra nice to you, how will you know that he would like to stick around a little longer?

Here are 5 Signs He Wants a Serious Relationship With You:

1.) He calls you often and he would not let the day pass without checking on you.

He tells you about his day and he is interested with yours too. When a guy is serious with you, it wouldn't matter if he lives in a place where the signal is bad. He will find a way how to communicate with you. If he makes the extra effort just to talk to you then it means he is really into you and he wants to remind you all the time that he is there for you.

2.) He tells you about his childhood, family, plans for the future, hopes and fears.

A guy who only sees you as a casual will not open up to you unless he sees you as a potential partner in life. Once you get a man to open up about his deepest secrets it means that he has already established a strong emotional connection with you. He trusts you enough that he doesn't care if he becomes emotionally vulnerable in front of you. If your man tells you about his dreams, it somehow means that he wants you to be part of it.

Another sign that he sees you in his future is if he uses the phrase "our kids". I bet that's going to tickle every bone in your body! If he says "I hope our kids take after you" it means that he sees it happening someday.

3.) He takes you to his friend's wedding.

This does not only mean that he wants the world to know how proud he is of you but he wants to share a very special occasion with you. Watching a close male friend walk down the aisle is a meaningful occasion for men, believe it or not. And if he wants to share that with you, it can only mean that he is serious about your relationship and yes he wants to be more than friends. If your partner is pretty excited that you are coming with him at the wedding it is most likely because he sees himself tying the knot with you someday.

4.) He makes the effort to know you.

If a guy is serious with you, he is going to pay attention to everything that you say and that includes the part where you said you don't like Carnations. He is going to go the extra mile to know every bit of information about you, your likes, interest and hobbies. He may even talk to your friends to get an idea how to surprise you.

5.) He gave you a title.

I think this is one of the most evident signs that he wants a serious relationship with you. He is going to give you a title- his woman, his girl, his lady or his girlfriend if you have a place in his life and in his heart.

Can A Casual Relationship Turn Serious? How to Know If a Guy Wants to Go Steady

You meet someone and you hope for the best. If it doesn't work out then walk away. It sounds so simple but love is never meant to be that way. My mom always tells me that you will go through a lot of heartaches before you will meet that one person who will love you like crazy. I guess there's a truth to that, at least for me. Finding someone is not easy because of all the complexities that come with dating. It doesn't matter how many times you get hurt, the most important thing is you picked up some valuable lessons and then you move on. The beginning stage of any relationship can be ambiguous especially if you don't have any idea whether you and your partner are on the same page. You've been seeing someone and you seem to get along well but can a casual relationship turn serious? The answer is YES. How will you know if a guy wants your relationship to be for keeps?

1.) He Tells You Everything

Men are anything but talkers. If you've been dating then you know when I say that it's often difficult to get a man to open up. They guard their emotions and secrets so well and it sure drives us women crazy. If you've been dating for a while now and all you know is his job, Facebook status and what he likes in bed then don't expect the relationship to blossom into something deeper. When a guy sees you as a potential life partner, he is going to tell you everything including his childhood. When my boyfriend showed me his baby pictures, that's when I knew that he wants me to stick around for a little longer. If he starts telling you about his dreams, fears, plans for the future, past relationships and his family, it means your relationship has turned serious.

2.) He goes to big family events with you.

If he starts bringing you to birthdays or weddings it means that he is letting the world know that you are his woman and he is proud of you. That goes the same if he goes to your friend's or cousin's wedding as your date. Your relationship is on a serious track if he has introduced you to his family and extended family. This simply means that he wants them to know that you two are exclusive.

3.) Sleep-overs/He leaves his personal stuff

When you don't wake up with your bed half-empty and he actually wants to snuggle and stay for breakfast, it means he loves spending time with you. Does he have an extra pair of boxers in your closet? Are his toothbrush and razor in your bathroom? If so then it means he is trying to claim his territory and he is quietly telling you not to invite any other guy in your house.

4.) You two are comfortable doing nothing

When all the giddy feelings go away and you two still want to hang around, that's the time you know that the relationship is getting serious. The first few dates are all about getting to know each other, trying to impress each other and lots of sex. If you have made it past this stage it means you have established a deep connection and the relationship is for keeps. You are completely comfortable spending a quite time together and you are not dying to impress each other. When you have reached this stage it means that you both have let your guards down.

5.) The future revolves around you

How can a casual relationship turn serious? The most important thing is that you and your partner have the same goals. If your man keeps talking about your life together, his plans and if he starts to make more intelligent financial decisions it means that he definitely sees you in his future.

Getting Him to Open Up - How to Get Through to an Emotionally Unavailable Man

Men and women are undeniably different in a variety of ways. We learn that very early in life when we face conflict with the boys we date in middle and high schools. Men, of all ages, tend to keep their feelings very close to the vest. They aren't as quick to divulge what they're feeling and they often will work hard to try to work through any conflict that they feel on their own. To men, this may be viewed as a manly way to handle emotions but to women it's not. It inevitably results in men that are emotionally unavailable and distant. Trying to meander through a relationship with a man like this is never an easy task. You become flustered and frustrated very easily when you're trying to determine exactly what your man feels for you and what's going through his mind. Relationships don't have to be this complicated. You can get him to open up to you in a way that makes him feel safe and nurtured. Imagine having a connection with the man you adore that is honest, open and mutually satisfying? It's definitely within your grasp if you understand the key steps you need to take to help awaken his inner core and get him to share it with you.

Understand That Your Man Needs Certain Things to Feel Emotionally Safe

Men, in general, don't enjoy feeling vulnerable. They will do almost anything it takes to avoid that feeling. That's why when a woman confronts a man about his deepest feelings and desires, he'll often retreat. He'll say things about not wanting to talk about it, or he loves you and what else is there to talk about. If you push a man to talk in a way that makes him feel stripped or cornered, he'll shut down. He needs to feel emotionally safe before he can bare his innermost feelings.

You can create a closer bond which in turn will make him more willing to open up. Be clear with him that he is the man for you. If you're the type of woman who plays games with a man in an effort to get him to fall deeper in love or to get him to proclaim his undying love, you're never truly going to get him to share with you. You have to be painfully honest with him about your feelings. Don't go on and on about how deeply you love him. Simply state in a very clear, concise and honest way that he's the man you care for and there's no competition for your adoration in your life. In other words, you're not interested in other men. It's just him in your eyes.

Also, it's incredibly important that you make certain that your man feels completely and unequivocally accepted by you for the person he is. If you're constantly trying to change something about him, he's not going to be as willing to share anything personal in an emotional sense with you. He'll feel judged on a continual basis and that's not a recipe for a happy, healthy and loving bond.

Don't Rush Him Into Opening Up Emotionally

One of the crucial mistakes that many women make in their quest to bond emotionally with their man is they push him to share what he's feeling too soon. Men like to do things on their own timetables and that's especially true in a relationship sense.

If you repeatedly tell him that you believe you two need to talk about your feelings and he doesn't open up during any of these conversations, that's a good indicator that now is not the time to continue to push. Let it go for awhile. Focus on the fun that you two have and not on where the relationship is headed.

A man is much more willing to open himself up emotionally if he doesn't feel threatened or coerced into it. Many women who have been in the same position as you will tell you that when they stopped asking their man what he was feeling, he started sharing.

He wants to believe the idea of being more transparent is coming from within him, so allow that to happen. Take each day as it comes and give him the emotional room he needs to feel safe and secure in the relationship with you. Once that happens, and he feels confident in your unwavering devotion to him, he'll feel much better about showing all his emotional cards to you.

Don't Push for More Than He's Giving

Once your man does take a step towards sharing more of his innermost feelings, be as accepting as you possibly can. It's not uncommon for a woman to want to rush the relationship into the next phase. If you do this, you're going to risk him pulling back or worse yet, taking off for good.

Although you may feel that the relationship is at a point where you want to say to your man that you're ready to settle down and start a life together, he may just be inching towards telling you that he loves you more than he's ever loved any woman. Once he does share that, cherish it. Don't push him to devote himself to you for the rest of his life. Accept and embrace what he can give, when he can give it. If you do that, he'll feel a drive to get closer and closer to you.

Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Are We So Afraid of Getting Married?

We, nowadays men, who are fierce enough to face the most dangerous situations, sometimes as a lifestyle, we, who are proud of overcoming the fear from facing the most challenging situations; we feel all our motivation and our fierceness disappearing as soon as we must deal with the natural step we should take at last once in our life: to get married.

Why if we can jump from the highest places, to swim at the coldest waters, to get into the highest waves while surfing, to fly at supersonic speeds, to fight fire or to find people lost at the most remote places, by the solely mention of the word Matrimony all our fierceness fades out as if we were confronting the most dreadful situation in our life?

Why do we men are afraid of marrying a woman? The main cause that makes us losing our courage to face this situation is the feeling of losing some very important part of our lives as soon as we get married. What is that hidden factor that prevents us from taking what is maybe the most important decision in our lives? The answer in almost all cases is: the fear of losing our freedom.

The most important and puzzling fact -at least for women- is the answer to the question: Are we cowards? Of course not, because we can climb the highest mountains, we can throw ourselves from thrilling heights or to drive a car at the highest possible speed without feeling any fear, or by controlling it perfectly.

We can conquer the fear from these dangerous situations in a better way than the inner feeling that once we got married, we may never have any chance to do those things again. And in addition, it is so very difficult to explain to our girlfriends that without those seemingly simple thinks, we would feel as our life has come hopelessly to an end.

I agree if you are thinking that not every man wants being a super hero. Not all of us enjoy performing such extreme activities; maybe for some of us the most challenging goal we face is to win that bowling game by next weekend or to fish a bigger salmon next time, or to write that book we've always wanted to. Though any of these activities (the dangerous ones and the less challenging too) could seem not very important or even expendable, very few women understand how important they are for us.

The fear of getting married maybe is almost unknown for women, but for men it really exists and is always present, as an obstacle to overcome before making such an important decision.
Then, our fright comes from the fear of never doing those activities anymore. That is the fear we feel each time we think about getting married and is really a looming specter that causes that typical resiliency to get married that women know in their men, but they cannot understand.

If you are a woman and happens that you are reading this article to try to understand why your man doesn't seem to want to get married to you, then one of the best lessons you should learn from this is the fact that almost for sure your man loves you, and his resiliency to get married doesn't mean that he loves his activities more than you, but if you don't agree with the activities he enjoys performing as a habit, and you have shown that you dislike it, then you are destroying the courage he needs to join up to overcome the fear of getting married.

It would be more useful for the future of your relationship to agree - and to show it openly - with the activities he performs at his spare time, and to be ready to do some trade between you and him; for you to let him continuing making those things he enjoys, and from him not to devote too much time to them.

Please understand that once your man gets married to you, you shouldn't pretend that all his time will then be devoted to the marital life. Expecting that would lead him to avoid getting married as if it was the end of his life.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

How To Get A Man To Marry You With No Effort

Are you ready to tie the knot, but he is hesitant and isn't sure if he wants to get married right now, but the only issue is you and him have been dating for over a year now, so its not like this is a new relationship. It's time to settle down and you told him you're ready and that set off a RED light in his GUT.

Now what do you do, the man you're in Love with doesn't seem to be on the same page as you, he says he needs time and wants some space from you but you're not wanting this your afraid if he walks away that this will be the last of your relationship forever and never be able to marry the man of your dreams.

This is where things get complicated due to the fact that most woman would probe and bribe their man not to go, because at this stage your heart is in the game so you have much more too loose than just some guy you met a week ago, the thing here is you need to understand is, when a man gets everything he ask for there is nothing else for them to work t, meaning if you bribe or chase after him in his game playing mind you are doing what he consciously expects you do.

The question is how you would ever know this is what he is thinking and expecting you to do, the answer is you wouldn't have a clue. You can be able to acquire a skill set that takes no effort what so ever to obtain and it will drive your man crazy wondering what is going on, it's like flipping a light switch on when you first wake up its too bright it shocks your eyes, this same skill set you can obtain will be like that in your man's mind.

This skill set is not some magic trick, not manipulative tactics or even bribery, what will happen is his expectations will change because he sees you doing something completely opposite of what his mind told him that would happen.

Don't give in to his way, if he says he needs more time to think this over then say okay that's a good idea, be supportive to him and his fear not condemning and pushing him further to commit.

How to get a man to marry you doesn't take a lot of effort, this can be done in little time and no heart ache on your part if you can do it the right way Just remember he expects you to react like a woman who is losing the best thing ever, show him that you can be supportive to his choice and his needs and you will see a change in his actions.

I Love You - What If He Does Not Say It Back?

Those oh so important three little words, I love you. Before saying them for the first time we all have the worry, if I say it first and he does not say it back I will look and feel a fool. So who will say it first then? If you both feel like that it could go on for years in stalemate. Someone has to take the risk. And that is what relationships are all about, risk.

What if he either says nothing and there will be an awkward silence, or he will say sorry I just do not feel the same? We then have to make a judgement call as to if he is telling the truth. Is it just his fears holding him back, is he wanting to get the upper hand or is it how really he feels? Or maybe he just is not as far down the road as you, he just has not realised how he feels yet.

If you think that is how he really feels then it might just be best to walk away. Depending of course on how long you have been seeing him. If this is your second date it is understandable, and maybe you should look more at yourself than him. But if you have been seeing each other for a few months, or even years and you think that is how he really does feel, no amount of pushing will make someone the one if he is not. Or does not want to be. So you would be better off finding someone else.

But if it is fear of commitment then you have to decide if it is worth persevering with the relationship, to see if it is really just that and he will get over it. Of course maybe he will not. Some men never do.

But they normally run, telling you:

He does not want a relationship.

Has no time for a girl- friend.

Work is too demanding.

We all know the list of excuses they reel off. I expect most of us have heard a lot of them.

But maybe he is playing games with you. He wants to make you sweat for a while. Men do not like being pushed into things and feeling backed into a corner. They like to do things in their own time. Some do not like women making the first move; they feel it is the man's job to take the lead. So if your man is like that it is probably best to wait for him.

You are the only one who can make the judgement, it depends on what sort of man he is. Only you can decide if he is just pulling away from you or he really means it.

You have to ask yourself is he the right guy for me? Is he worth waiting for?

This news article is brought to you by ANIMALS AND PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Are You Sure He's Commitment Challenged, Or Is Love Just Not Enough?

You have been dating for a while, or maybe even a year or more, and he still has not popped the question. That does not necessarily mean he doesn't love you enough to marry you. It could however, mean you have to touched the right areas in him emotionally that will move him forward to that next step. Now you need to figure out how to get him there.

Women are under the impression that men and women think and feel alike. That is a complete misconception. Women can decided they love a man, and therefore, he is "the one." Believe it or not, men think and feel differently. Men think and feel with their hearts and their guts. They listen to their guts. You can't go asking him why that is, because he would not know what you are talking about. It's a subconscious instinct that they can't even figure out. Years of study have proven this to be true.

So, just because he is not moving forward, does not mean he doesn't love you. The most important things men look for in a woman are not looks. The woman of their dreams does not have to be drop dead beautiful, or perfect. Men want a woman who can connect with them. The woman a man will propose to, is the woman that's interested in the "real him." Men have two sides. The side that he shows to his friends, employers, and family. Then there is the side he shows to his partner. Of course, you will have to push the right buttons first.

How you handle simple conversations, the things you say, can make his emotional light turn green (go), yellow (caution), or red (stop). By giving the right responses, or asking the right questions can completely determine what color his emotional light is going to be.

- Are you interested in his job, or just his amount of income

- Do you ask questions about him and how he views things

- Do you show him who you are by trying to connect with him

These are all very important questions in the process of trying to reach the "real him" and it is critically important to the process of him feeling he can open up to you and making that deep connection. Men want a woman who is going to be with them on their life journey. The woman he chooses needs to understand who he is. Without that, your relationship will not move forward.

You will need to learn to get past the mental roadblocks that keep him from taking your relationship to the next level. Once you break down those barriers, you will see that not only is he not "commitment challenged", but he will initiate the moves himself.

Ways to Get Her to Commit - 10 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship

You really like someone and don't know what to do? Think about trying some of the following tips to let her know about your feelings:

1. Buy her ice cream regularly. Honestly it's not expensive and there is something about ice cream on a hot summers day that makes you feel so good. In winters make it hot chocolate. That happy feeling she gets, she'll associate it with you. Find small ways to do so, nothing too grand or outrageous.

2. Look at her when you talk. Yes! It sounds so stupid but it works. Why? Because it will make her slightly nervous, and nervous isn't always bad. She'll try to think why it happens and if you're on her mind it's a good sign. Just be sure to not stare at her constantly. That is creepy.

3. Treat her differently than you treat your other friends. If you don't she'll assume that she means just as much to you as all the other girl female friends you have. Show her you care, every once in a while make the extra effort.

4. Play games with her. No not mind games, not dirty games, actual games. Monopoly, scrabble, charades, Call of Duty, anything. If you get her competitive you just might get her playful.

5. Tell her she has a pretty smile. Girls are suckers for this compliment. But don't be too obvious; just slip it discreetly into the conversation, she'll notice.

6. Don't be all up in her face all the time. If you do this, chances are she'll see you more of as a convenience tool or just get annoyed. Be there but remember to not let go of your own interests and hobbies. Your personality does matter and these are things that contribute to it.

7. Try to get her interested in something you enjoy. Be it baseball, hiking or collecting Pokemon cards even. If it's a shared activity it will get you talking more and spending time together often.

8. Be a good listener. Help her vent her frustrations by talking to you.

9. If you are sure you like her enough to risk your friendship tell her. Plain and simple. And don't expect her to respond immediately or be disheartened if she freaks out, give her time to process.

10. Once you've made the leap and declared your ardent feelings for her remember to not drastically change how you behave with her. Yes you now have the liberty to flirt with her more openly but treat her as the friend you did before as well. Laugh, joke the way you used to because if she wants to be with you chances are it's because she appreciated these qualities in you.

Relax. And keep it simple. If she likes you she'll let you know.

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Secrets on How to Get a Man to Fall in Love

Figuring out how to get a man to fall in love with you is a tedious and mind-boggling challenge. Men are very different than women and that makes "figuring them out" extremely difficult. There are a few secrets that many women don't know when it comes to learning how to get a man to fall in love with you! Are you ready for these? You'll have him proposing tomorrow if you use this advice accordingly!

#1. Fit the Mold

Yes, it's true - every man has an idea of what he thinks the perfect woman looks like and acts like. When a woman meets all of a man's criteria (in regard to the perfect woman), getting him to fall in love is natural and almost instant. Men tend to fall in love more quickly than women and that's obvious when a man meets his perfect match.

Do you think you fit all of his "criteria"? If so, you are one luck lady and don't have to worry about solving the "how to get a man to fall in love" dilemma. If you don't think you are the woman he has always dreamed of for any reason, don't give up - there is still hope! You just have to try a little harder when it comes to making him fall in love.

#2. Give and Withdrawal

Just as a disclaimer, the "Give and Withdrawal" method of making him fall in love with you requires you to manipulate his emotions, which most people might see as unhealthy and wrong. If you don't mind, then this strategy will actually get him to fall in love with you!

This is how it works: You get him to ask you on a date. When he does, you beam with excitement and tell him how much you are looking forward to the date. In his mind, he likes the gratification and sees this as a good thing. This is considered the "give" part. You are "giving" him what he wants.

Right before the date, you call him and cancel. Say something out of your control has come up and you won't be able to make it. This is the "withdrawal". You are taking away what he wants. This piques is interest and now wants to overcome the challenge of getting you to go on a date.

You show up on the next date and he is relieved to see you. This is your "giving" again. Laugh and flirt with him throughout the date and see that he is having a good time. Just when it begins to get good, make up a reason that you need to leave abruptly. Again, this "withdrawal" will leave him wanting more.

Continue to "give" and "withdrawal" until he can't stand it anymore. This is the point where you know he has fallen in love with you!

#3. The REAL Way

Healthy relationships are built on respect, admiration and trust. If you really care about this man, you need to learn how to make him fall in love with you the right way! Love is a result of a lot of work. You have to put effort into a relationship for it to produce something worthwhile. Be you, be true. If you are truly right for him, love will find its way!

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Your Guy Is Commitment Challenged, How To Move Forward And It's His Idea

So, you met the right guy. He is wonderful. You're in love, and everything is telling you it's time to move forward. Maybe you have already been seeing the same man for a year or two. You keep waiting for that wonderful moment when he proposes, but it just never seems to happen. You are trying to figure out why he is not ready for a commitment and what to do to get him there. Be careful to NOT make the mistakes that are going to delay your goal.

Many women get frustrated as time goes on. The relationship is good, he is the one. So, what is holding him up? Actually, there could be many reasons, or there could just be one. Men are not emotionally made like women. Women know what they want, and they know when they find him. Unfortunately, men are not always ready when we are. So, what holds them up from being ready when we are?

Believe it or not, men feel with their gut. They feel with their heart as well, but it's their gut that directs them to the important decisions. Men want a woman who "gets them." They want a woman they can open up to, express their feelings, thoughts, and dreams. If, for any reason, they feel they can not do that with you, the chance of you getting a commitment out of them is slim.

Women plan their weddings from the time they are little girls. Men do not. Men however, grow up, and although it may be a subconscious thing, know what they want their life partner to be. If they are fooled the first time, it is very likely they won't be fooled the second. So, women need to understand that it is a feeling with men, and not an actual conscious thought. When a woman feels right to them, they will do everything in their power to keep her, and make her his life partner.

Without hurting your feelings, stop making it all about what you want, and find out what he wants. If you don't, your chances of actually securing that guy are slim. He needs to know you want to connect with the "real him." If he does not feel that connection, he will not move any further forward than he is right now. Men want someone who is on the same page, who admire them for who they really are. You need to learn there is the guy they show everyone else, and then there is the guy they show to the love of their life. These men are two entirely different people, and if he can't be comfortable showing that sensative side to you, he will not commit to you.

The most important thing you can do, is to get to the inner man. Let him know you are on the same page, and that you get him. If you can do that, your relationship can start moving forward the way you want it to, without being pushy, manipulative, or issuing ultimatums.

This article is brought to you by DATING.

I Want To Get Married - Unraveling The Perplexity Regarding Why Some Men Won't Commit

One thing that women have in common is the fear of falling for a fella who doesn't want to commit. How many gals have opened their hearts to their beloved, just to find out that the feeling wasn't mutual? There are plenty of explanations for why some men won't commit, but unfortunately they'll never discuss the matter with you.

If you are reading this article, you are probably experiencing commitment issues with your beau and can't seem to muster up the nerve to approach him about it.

Well, let's see if we can unravel some of the perplexity regarding why some men won't commit.

The L word clinker

Women are frequently guilty of leaking the L word because they are hormonally motivated. The release of the love hormone oxytocin is initiated in women by physical attraction and stimulation. For this reason, she starts feeling that she needs to be with a guy for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, guys don't possess those same hormones, nor are they able to understand your thought process. Some men won't commit because the L word scares the living hell out of them.

Never misinterpret that warm and cozy sensation you get from snuggling, as love. And never permit yourself to cry out the L word during an intense intimate moment, unless you want it to be your last.

He's got his priorities

He's spends a whole lot of time at work and when he does get around to spending time with you, he carries on about work and it seems as if he can't wait to get back to it.

Many guys believe that a relationship will only hinder their careers. Many men want a house and maybe a few other possessions before they contemplate committing to a relationship. It's really not such a terrible thing.

It would probably be a pretty healthy objective to concentrate on your own career so you don't spend every day just hanging out waiting for him to pay attention to you.

You're his back-up plan

One moment the two of you couldn't be closer and then all of a sudden, he's preoccupied once more and unapproachable.

You can't telephone him, but he contacts you. He doesn't let you know where he works or what street he lives on. And your dates are always either at your place or in some hotel room.

OOPS, I'm sorry, but you're probably the mistress. There's more than likely another gal out there with a legal claim to your guy.

Whenever there's a Mrs. or a fiancée or even a steady girlfriend who was there before you, the intelligent course to follow is to walk away. You deserve way more than that.

You frighten him

Yes, he really likes you a lot, but...

The truth be known, some ladies have a natural aura about them and it spooks some of the more timid guys. The way he sees it, you're seductive, successful, self-reliant and you are constantly swarmed by admirers.

Of course, you can't help it, but the poor guy cringes at the very idea of constantly warding off insecurities when he's out with you.

So what's a guy going to do? With what he views as a rather bleak future with you, he moves on quietly.

You can possibly offset this by making him feel needed and important to you. In short, cultivate his self-confidence.

Unraveling the perplexity regarding why some men won't commit will take more than just knowing some of the reasons, now you have to discover how to persuade him to commit.

This news article is brought to you by EMOTIONAL-FREEDOM-TECHNIQUE - where latest news are our top priority.

How to Get a Man to Commit - Secrets Every Woman Should Know

You've been going out with your boyfriend for several months on a casual basis, and now, you'd like a firmer commitment - maybe not marriage, just yet, but a simple commitment to each other that you'll be exclusive. The problem is, most guys don't think like we do, and for them, commitment isn't often a priority: "We're having fun, right? Why not let things stay just as they are? No rush."

Be careful

If you think you're ready for commitment, it's possible to get your guy to commit - sometimes. Be careful with this, though. If your guy's not committing, there may be deeper problems you need to address. Is he a "player" who strings a lot of ladies along? Are you simply one of many he wants to date? If the answer to either of those questions is "yes," you may want to rethink your own attitude about commitment to him. You might be in for a lot of heartache if you try to pursue things.

Getting ready for commitment

If it's simply that he's not "in a rush" and there are no underlying problems, commitment may be worth pursuing. Here's how:

· Get to know each other well

If you're ready to go for commitment, make sure you know each other well enough that this is actually something that's realistic. Remember, love is not a "game," no matter how much romantic comedies and reality TV might say otherwise.

Get to know each other well; be willing to listen to your boyfriend, find out who he is and what he really wants. If you can tell early in the relationship that he's ready for a serious relationship even before you actually make a commitment to each other, it's much more likely that you and he will be on the same page when the time to commit comes. And again, remember that if he's just a "player," in that his main focus is to date as many women as possible, don't even try to envision commitment. Find someone else who is more suitable to you.

· Practice authenticity: Be yourselves

The worst thing you can do when you start out in a relationship is to fake who you are. You can of course focus on being the best you can be and still be authentic, but you shouldn't try to fake your values, what you like, or how you live to "catch" a boyfriend. When your boyfriend finds out who you really are, he'll be disillusioned, and may even feel like he's been lied to.

By the same token, encourage your boyfriend to be himself, too, so that when the time for commitment comes, you both really know just whom you're committing to.

This news article is brought to you by CREATIVITY - where latest news are our top priority.

The Best Ways to Show Each Other You Care

Over time it can become easy to take each other for granted, forget about doing those little things that matter so much to our partner. Let's take some time today to remind ourselves about the best ways to show each other you care. It doesn't take much to invest in the quality of your relationship and improve it immeasurably.

Here are some of the best ways to show each other you care:

- Remember the small things that matter to your partner. They may like to get up at a leisurely pace at weekends; take them a drink of tea in bed. Run them a bath after a busy day, start preparing the evening meal if you're home first. If they like things done in a certain way learn to respect that as a part of the person they are, a part of who you fell in love with.

- Demonstrate that you're thinking about them when you're not together. Just sending a simple text or picking up something you know will appeal to them, like details of a concert or a book they've mentioned can mean so much and really show that you care and are thinking of them.

- Making time for each other is one of the best ways to show each other you care. Even the busiest of people need to eat. Sitting down together for your evening meal can provide important time to relax and chat with each other about your individual days, your lives, even your plans for future activities. Time spent communicating is an important part of commitment to a relationship, so decide to record your favourite television programme for future viewing and regard the time you spend together as an investment in your relationship and a way of showing that you care.

- Make an effort for each other. Sometimes it's important to show each other you care by doing things that may not be especially appealing. Standing in the rain watching a football match, going round the shops at a weekend, visiting each other's friends or families may not be your favourite way to spend your free time, but may be important as a way to show each other you care and are prepared to make an effort. Similarly, listening to your partner talk about the same problem repeatedly may require patience, but if it's troubling them they may need to be heard. Supporting your partner through their problems demonstrates that you care.

- Look nice. Taking a pride in your appearance matters. Some people feel that once they are in a committed relationship they don't need to take as much care about how they look, their weight, the way they dress, their personal hygiene or their good manners. Mutual respect is about appreciating each other and the fact that you both still choose to remain together. One of the best ways to show each other you care is by taking the time and effort to look nice so that you remain attractive, appealing and desirable; pleasant company to be with.

- Remain interesting. Keep up to date, with current affairs, modern culture, interesting developments, each others lives so that you can have interesting, relevant conversations not just about whose turn it is to take the rubbish out or which items need adding to the weekly shopping list.

- Have the tough conversations. Showing each other you care means being prepared to insist that your partner visits the doctor or listens to your point of view when you feel that they are in the wrong. Sometimes having difficult conversations or working through unpleasant times together is part of an enduring, caring relationship.

This news article is brought to you by SMALL HOUSE PLANS - where latest news are our top priority.

Monday, June 11, 2012

How Do I Get Him to Propose?

It's hard enough finding a man and it's even harder to get him down on his knees offering you a lifetime of happiness. A lot of men are nonchalant towards tying the knot mainly because forty to fifty percent of marriages end up in divorce.

While there are some things that you can do to give your man a little nudge, you have to know if he sees himself getting married and having a family of his own in the near future otherwise you are depriving yourself in finding a man who would love to marry you. Love is never enough for a guy to get married. There are certain factors that they also consider. When a man is ready and willing to commit, you don't have to do anything to lead him to that road. Knowing where you stand in his life and his future will tell you if it's worth waiting for him. If a guy talks to you about settling down someday, chances are you are the woman he wants to spend the rest of his life with. So... how do I get him to propose? Read the following tips below that will make your man ask your hand in marriage without giving him a shameless ultimatum:

1.) Talk about your future with him in it without giving him the idea that you are expecting a proposal. When guys make a decision to marry somebody, they want to do it without anyone manipulating them in doing so. An indirect approach is the way to do it but make sure you take baby steps. If you like writing him cards why not include phrases like "I can't imagine my life without you in it", "A future without you means nothing" or "I'm so glad I found somebody whom I can share my life with". Wait how he responds. If he brings it up in a conversation then you know you've hit the nail on its head.

Do not talk to him what your dream wedding is unless he asks you about it. Sometimes women get so giddy when they see a beautiful wedding dress or when they hear about the perfect wedding destination and they blurt out stuff without knowing that they are making their man so uncomfortable. The wedding talks should be reserved for your girl friends.

2.) Don't move in with him unless he talks about marrying you in the near future. Giving the guy all the benefits of being married before you say "I do" is a ticket to heartbreak and unmet expectations down the road. Don't start acting like his wife unless you are.

When a guy is really into you, he won't play games. He will never drag it because he is too scared that someone better will come along and that guy will snatch you from him. When a man finally finds the woman of his dreams, he will do everything to keep her and that includes tying the knot with her. When a man wants to marry you, he would give you that ring and won't suggest that you have a "trial" period of living together. While I don't see anything wrong in moving in with a guy, if you are expecting him to propose anytime soon, don't do it.

3.) Make him realize what a wonderful wife you're going to be. There are so many ways on how to make a man to adore you and one of which is to cook for him. If you don't know how to cook, then learn! Be his dream girl but don't try to hard that he's going to think you are being weird or fake. Make sure that you are having fun whenever you're together. Be that person he can talk to with just about anything without the fear of being judged. Be his number one fan and be supportive in everything he does.

The next time you ask "how do I get him to propose?" you know that the easiest way is to be his dream girl who inspires him and loves him for who he really is.

This article is brought to you by FREE DATING.

Friday, June 8, 2012

Two Living As One - Relationship Tips for Living Together

Joined at the hip? Or do you feel like your leash is shorter than a shoestring? Well, there are a few reasons why you may feel this way, and the most common one deals with personal space.

Healthy relationships have an understanding of teamwork and realizing that each of you bring something different to the table. The whole "two hearts beat as one" is a cute notion but in reality, you are two individuals who live together, each with your own identity. Just because you are in a relationship with a person, doesn't mean that you need to eat, breathe and like exactly what your partner likes. You are your own person with your own likes and dislikes. Now sure, it does help the relationship if you share common beliefs and some likes and dislikes but to an extent.

After time in a relationship some couples feel stale and lost due to the fact that they invested so much time pleasing the other person that they neglected to fulfill their own needs and interests. It's ok to think of yourself and it's actually healthy too. Healthy relationships are about balance and is something that needs to be a priority. You should continue to pursue your personal interests as you did when you were single. Continue to go shoe shopping with the girls and fishing with the guys. You need your own personal time to explore your interests and do what you like to do. It would be great if your partner loved 100% everything you like but that's almost never the case and that's ok. Support and encourage each other to be a part of the activities when possible but there are times when the ladies need a girls day out shopping that you really do not need to be a part of.

Personal space has an important place in a relationship that should be respected. The saying "..go away so I can miss you.." has a lot of truth to it. If your with your partner 24-7 it can lead to feelings of being smothered which will lead to getting under each others skin which leads petty bickering which leads to someone sleeping on the couch. Don't sleep on the couch.

Once you understand that you're two individuals living together working towards a common goal, it will help bring things into focus. So go ahead ladies, schedule that shopping day with the girls and guys, go to your favorite fishing hole with the guys and do what you do.

This article is brought to you by DATING SERVICE.

Should I Give An Ultimatum to Get Him To Commit?

Can you just imagine how many frustrated women have, or thought about giving the ultimatum speech..since the beginning of marriages?

Your guy basically telling you "I love you.. but.. I'm not ready", "bla bla bla," just ain't working for ya is it?

An ultimatum equals a threat and you're not the first girl and not by a long shot will you be the last to ponder this prerogative.

So many women get fed up and frustrated with the waiting for a proposal...that they're willing to risk everything in the relationship, or stick around after he says no and lose all their credibility and equality with their partner.

This scenario is especially common in long distance relationships which, for obvious reasons, are frustrating enough.

By presenting the all or nothing option.. women don't have the clue that this will most likely kill the's simply too much pressure for boyfriends..and who wants to be threatened? This is nothing more than a control game.

There is a slim chance it could work...if he gave some clues previously that he would be willing to take things to the next level.. BUT...are ya ready to pack your bags? Better should probably already have them packed..because even though it will strengthen your point with your guy... he'll probably tell you not to let the door slam on your way out.

Something that might play out better than near certain relationship suicide would be to stop seeing him and sexing him. If your living together that is going to be a tough thing to do...but.. read on....You could give him a thorough explanation by telling him that although you love him you don't want to ruin the friendship you've had all this time...tell him that you understand he doesn't want to commit but that's not the best thing for you..because you don't want to be in love with someone who doesn't want to commit.. and you're afraid you might lose respect for him.

By working that angle the only one pondering is your gave him a choice without it being an ultimatum. This results in much better possibilities...he doesn't feel threatened...yet he is challenged to look at how he feels about you and commitment. He'll also now realize that you're fully independent without gives him also a chance to miss you.

Now he can decide if all the benefits are not worth the commitment and move on...

If he decides they are...then he'll work on his commitment and set a date or map out a plan.

If he leaves...he can come back because realized he messed up, he truly loves you and wants a second chance.

If he moves on...of course it will hurt...but you will also know his feelings...and you won't be wasting more time.

The bottom line for either of these strategies is that you better get yourself ready for the truth whatever that may ready to act on his response.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Is Your Man Commitment-Phobic? Learn How to Get Him to Commit to a Relationship

You've been dating this guy who is obviously smitten with you, you have that undeniable chemistry and you enjoy doing things together but the problem is you can't get him to commit to a relationship. You start wondering why he hasn't introduced you as his girlfriend or worst he hasn't introduced you to anyone in his circle. Unfortunately, you are seeing one of the millions of guys who are cheating themselves out of a happy life with someone they care about. There is only one thing I can think of right now, he is commitment-phobic.

The term "commitment phobia" is not a joke; there are actually people who are so terrified in committing themselves to a relationship. The moment they feel that it's starting to get a little serious, they bail out. That's usually the reason why he hasn't been calling you or he's avoiding that dreaded question "where do we stand in our relationship?"

As unfortunate as this can be; your situation is not hopeless. No, it's definitely not the end of the road for you. Don't just give up the man who swept you off your feet without doing something. Learning how to make your man commit is no easy task but it's not rocket science either. It's just a matter of doing things right and of course you need perfect timing. The solutions are pretty simple. Read the following tips below on how you can get a guy commit:

1.) Make him feel special and let him know that you love him for who he really is and not for who you want him to become. This is a very common mistake that most women make and I admit I am guilty of that! We treat our men as projects and we have this stern idea in our heads on how we want the relationship to be, how we want to be treated and even worst on how we want our man to behave. It's ok to live by certain standards and I am not advising you to settle for less than what you deserve but at least be realistic. That dreamy guy you see in the movies is not real! Don't get into a relationship with a man hoping that he will change for you. You'll end up being disappointed in the end and that leaves you both frustrated. Love the person for who they are and that's all there is to it.

2.) Don't ever make the guy feel that once you become official that means saying goodbye to his beloved freedom. His world does not need to revolve around you now that you are exclusively dating. Let him enjoy his time with his friends and don't gang up on him if he plays Call of Duty for hours. As long as he's not taking you for granted you shouldn't try to jump on him for having fun once in a while outside your relationship. And please don't act like the jealous girlfriend all the time. Men find it cute when their girl gets a little jealous sometimes but do not overdo it. Don't beg for his Facebook password! Bottom line is, make sure you make your man feel that he can keep his freedom at a reasonable degree.

3.) Don't act desperate. Another mistake that some women make that can be fatal is giving away everything unnecessarily. Learn how to set boundaries for the first few weeks or months of the relationship. Also, don't ever show a man the paper where you doodled your name with his last name. You don't need to scare him away! Don't talk about your dream wedding when you've only been dating for a couple of weeks. In other words, don't jump the gun if you really want to get him to commit to a relationship!

How to Get a Man to Marry You: Make Him Put a Ring On It!

It's natural for women to expect something more in a long-term relationship. It gets all confusing and frustrating if you've been with a guy for such a long time and he doesn't seem to care that the relationship is headed nowhere. If a guy doesn't see you in his future, are there any chances that he would let you know? Women who are too familiar with this situation know it too well. Some men have definitely mastered the art of "dragging". Yes the guess work keeps going and you keep playing the waiting game! If your relationship has become stagnant, there are a couple of things you can try on how to get a man to marry you:

1.) Talk about the future without dropping the "M" word. For some reason guys freak out when they hear the term "Marry". They start to act weird and they see this as false expectations on your part and too much pressure on their part. If there's one thing I learned, guys don't like the pressure and they want to do things without any manipulation. So how exactly are you going to talk about the future without the bomb exploding in his face? It's actually pretty simple. Tell him that you can't imagine the future without him or you are happy that you found that one person you click with. As cheesy as it sounds but you can tell him that you feel that this relationship is meant to be and you two make a great team.

2.) Don't push it too hard and no matter what happens, don't act desperate. Never mention things like you want to have a baby really soon because the clock is ticking. Restrain yourself from telling him that you found a wedding dress that you instantly fell in love with. Don't talk about getting married all the time because this will push him to the opposite direction. If you are to talk about the marriage thing, subtly start a conversation about a friend who's getting married and that you are happy for them that they have found "The One".

3.) Start making financial decisions on your own. Make him notice that you also have the guts to do the things he would normally do. If he starts questioning your acts, that is the perfect time to throw the "we are not married" line at him. It may sound offensive but it works like a charm for other women.

4.) Another way on how to get a man to marry you is to talk to him about moving. Tell him that you want to consider moving to another city for career reasons. Men like strong, self-sufficient women but at the same time, this makes them insecure as well. When a man knows that your world does not revolve around him and you are willing to have the relationship take the back seat for a dream job, he is going to freak out because he knows he might lose you. If a guy does not care that you are considering moving to another city then maybe you can forget about him. He's not scared to lose you and he definitely does not plan on tying the knot anytime soon.

5.) Should you give him an ultimatum? This is rather awkward and no woman would ever want to reach this point. Men don't like to be threatened nor pressured so an ultimatum may not be a good idea. If you really want to know if you are in his future, just ask him, plain and simple. Ask him where this relationship is headed and what his plans are for the future. It's completely ok to ask and this won't make him think that you are desperate. If you've been with a man for so long, you have every right to know where the relationship is going. If you think you can't handle the truth in case he tells you he doesn't want to get married then don't bother asking and just play the waiting game forever.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How To Get Him To Commit Without Being Pushy, Manipulative or Threatening

You have been dating for quite some time and are feeling it's time for your relationship to move on to the next level. You are sure he is the love of your life. You have reached the point where you are ready to be husband and wife. The problem is, he is comfortable where the relationship is and is showing no signs of wanting to move forward. You are now thinking, maybe he doesn't love you as much as you love him.

This is a common problem with many relationships. It causes unnecessary stress and tension to you both, putting a great deal of strain on the relationship. The truth is, love probably has nothing to do with it. He can absolutely love you as much as you love him. The myth about love is that it conquers all. That's what we were taught from an early age. Although love is what can get you together, it is only the basic foundation for you to build a relationship that can keep you together for the long haul.

This is where understanding men can help you. Men are a little more complicated than women realize, and probably more than even they realize. Men have two sides. One is the image of him that everyone sees. He is tough, strong, not intimidated, and in control. That special woman can only reach the side no one else gets to see. When he is able to open up and share his thoughts, feelings, and dreams of the future. The things he won't share with just anyone.

Unfortunately, a woman will try much harder to convince him it's time to make a commitment instead of trying to make the connection that will allow him to make that decision on his own. The choice between those two is key if you want him to make that ultimate commitment to you. Trying to push him, or using manipulative tactics will not be successful. These techniques will more than likely push him further away, and can ultimately damage your relationship. If you have already tried some of these, you may have already realized they are not successful methods, and now your relationship is more strained than before. That does not at all mean the damage can't be undone. But, at this point, you should stop listening to advice from your friends, and stop reading articles that are giving you even worse advice. By taking the right steps, you can break through the mental roadblocks and make that connection that will give you the love and lasting relationship you have always dreamed of.

Should I Ignore Him To Get His Attention

Relationships are full of obstacles, from the moment you see a guy and think you like him, there are obstacles to overcome. You have to rty not to be nervous when he talks to you, try to be interested in what he says, and flirt so he knows your interested.

However, what about when you are in a relationship and you are not getting the attention that you deserve? It can be a really trying time when you know that you love a guy, and you do everything you can for him, but you still don't seem to get any attention from him.

Trust me you are not boring, and you have not suddenly become less attractive to him. There are so many different things going on in a guys head that it is extremely difficult to figure out what he is thinking at all times. So don't bother trying!!

I assume you have already tried talking to him about how you feel? If not then this is the best first step. Don't try to over-analyze the situation, and don't put all the blame on him in the first sentence. Starting with "Why don't you love me anymore" is not the right way to approach him. He does still love you and does not want to have an argument about it. A better way to start would be to say something like "How about you and I go and have a picnic lunch in the park today?" this way you will have him to yourself in a nice peaceful setting where there are no distractions. You can be sure to get more attention from him when it is just the two of you alone. It is also easier to talk about your relationship when you have had a nice afternoon together.

If you have tried talking to him and he is still not showing you enough attention then it might be time to ry something a bit more drastic. He needs to be shown what he is missing out on. There are several ways to do this.

1 - Go out with your friends a lot and leave him at home alone.

2 - Brush him off when he tries to talk to you.

3 - Completely ignore him -the best way to do this is to wear headphones around the house.

You have to make sure that he knows you are still happy even if he isn't giving you lots of attention, and that you can handle things without him. Men are basically needy and they need to know that you love them, however on the flip side they hate needy women who are constantly hanging around them.

Ignoring your man might get him to pay more attention to you, however, it should only be used as a last resort.

This news article is brought to you by RELATIONSHIPS ADVICE 201 - where latest news are our top priority.

Wondering How To Get Your Boyfriend To Propose?

Are you wondering how to get your boyfriend to propose? I bet you have been wondering if there is a trick or something specific you should be doing.

Well, I can tell you there is no trick. It all has to do with the way you treat the situation. You will have to learn a few little 'secrets' that will improve your chance of getting that proposal that you have been waiting for.

I will go over a couple of Tips that will help you to move your relationship in the right direction. Once you have read this article and put things into action, you will be at the very least moving in the right direction.

Tip 1 Do Not Use The 'Ultimatum' Tactic.

If you have used this before then you already know that this just does not work. Backing a man into a corner and trying to get him to make a decision this way is what I call relationship suicide.

You will lose all credibility in the relationship. I know for me that no one will benefit if they make me decide something in this way.

It is just too narrow and constricting. How can anyone make a true or honest decision when their back is against a wall?

If your boyfriend does make the decision to marry you under the pretense of an ultimatum, then you will never know the true motive behind his decision.

It could be that he is afraid of being alone. It could be he doesn't want to hurt you. Either way, you don't want a proposal with this as the motivation behind it.

Tip 2 Be Conscious Of How You Make Him Feel.

Are you someone who is fun to be around? Do you smile? Do you make your boyfriend feel important?

Men really appreciate it when they feel like they really matter. If your guy walks into the room and he sees your face light up, he will notice. It will make him feel like this is where he is loved and where he should be.

A man that feels wanted, needed, appreciated and loved will be more likely to ask the girl who makes him feel this way to marry him. I know it sounds simple, but it is so true!

If you are wanting and waiting for a way to learn exactly how to get your boyfriend to propose; then start taking a look at what you are doing and go from there. Decide first if you are you helping it along.

If you are but you need help then ask for direction from someone you trust. Maybe someone who has already gotten a healthy proposal.

Remember to be honest, genuine and kind. You will get that proposal with a little focus on the right things.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

I Want To Get Married - Guidelines To Dazzle A Guy And Entice Him To Fall In Love With You

Although every guy is a unique individual, they do embrace pretty much the same prerequisites when it comes to women.

You need to first figure out what that person is interested in and what he frowns upon. You'll need to know his tastes and tendencies and so on, in order to entice a guy to fall in love with you.

This is the only way that you will be able to figure out the letter-perfect approach of drawing him to you. So, let's uncover the guidelines to dazzle a guy and entice him to fall in love with you.

Be perceptive and considerate

Men go for women who are kind and considerate to others. Kindness is an attribute that without a doubt draws men to women. Be neighborly to the folks around you If you want to entice a guy to fall in love with you.

Display a charming personality, be humble and be sure to thank people who do something for you. Let's say, you go out on a date with him, grin and be polite to your waiters when they serve you.

Don't be discourteous or disrespectful to anyone. Abstain from insulting anybody, it will perturb the guy and unquestionably destroy your chances of dazzling your fella.

Physical allure

As much as beauty is not the infinite criterion to entice a guy, it can without a doubt, carry a good deal of weight. A beautiful woman is a sure thing to make a substantial impact on the guy she takes a shine to.

However, a gal should not set out to come across as a model. A lady should dress attractively and make an effort to look her best. She will want to be comfortable in her clothes and ought to dress according to her body type and age.

Internal beauty is more attractive than superficial sex appeal. Your unpretentious nature and values are really more attractive to him than your looks.

Confidence is something that you definitely must have. As a rule, guys are more attracted to self-reliant and coolheaded women with a sunny presence and optimistic personality.

Make him fall in love with you

Guys welcome challenges and feel a real need to chase girls who come across as mysterious to them.

Constantly keep in mind that guys do not want to chew over their prospective aspirations while dating. You should not talk about marriage or the future right now.

You shouldn't let that topic sneak into your conversation and you will want to let him see that you are clearly not interested in marriage at this point in time.

This will allow him to become very curious about you and he will keep on wondering what's going on in your mind.

If you adhere to these guidelines to dazzle a guy and entice him to fall in love with you, you will attract guys like a magnet.

Your beau will not merely be attracted to you, he will cherish you and be more than willing to commit to you.

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

When Men Pull Away - Four Ways to Keep Your Distance!

Have you ever experienced a man shutting down on you and backing off? Sometimes you are not even entirely sure why his is pulling away, bur your just know he is because you can read the signs.

Was it something you did?

Is he having a bad day?

Is he busy at work?

Is there someone else in his life?

The questions that go around and around in your head are endless and they end up making you do things that you probably shouldn't.

So that if he was pulling away for whatever reason, your actions to get him to talk to you and tell you what is wrong would probably seal the deal that he'd never want to talk to you again!

So whenever you sense that a man is shutting down and pulling away, though what you'll read next is counter intuitive, the following four tips are what you should do.

1. Keep your cool.

If you read nothing else after this first Point you would have got it. When you sense that a man is pulling away, you immediately want to know why and wonder if his pulling away is signalling the end of your interaction or relationship with him.

You could go into a blind panic at this stage and end up pushing him even farther away because of actions like calling him or texting fifty times a day in a bid to get him to tell you what's wrong. Keep cool and do nothing. Do NOT panic.

2. Give him his space.

If he never wants to call you or speak to you again, so be it but give him the space and the time without interference to make up his mind.

Remember at this stage you do not even know exactly what is wrong. If you push him to tell you, when clearly he'd rather not even be around you, that will ensure that you do not get him to open up and tell you what's wrong. Men do not like to be pressured so leave him alone and give him his space.

3. Pull back.

This differs from Point 2 though the result is the same - creating space. In Point 2 you are giving him HIS space but in this Point, you are taking YOUR space.

If he feels that he needs space away from you or that he is not comfortable enough with you to talk to you for whatever reason (because at this stage you still do not know what the problem is), then you do need to evaluate your interactions with him.

What is it that you want from him and are you getting it? Are you two going in the same direction?

Evaluate him and see if he and you really are good together. What type of problems have you two been having and what are the root of those problems?

Are they problems that can be fixed? So that regardless of what happens you would have taken stock of the current situation which would guide you in moving forward.

4. Get busy with other projects.

When you have taken a few minutes to evaluate your relationship with you, you start a plan to move on with your life whatever happens.

What do you have on your to do list for the rest of the day or the rest of the week. Start putting things in place to get things done. Go out shopping or to the movies with a girlfriend.

You do this to get some "you" time and a fresh perspective. You do not constantly want to be thinking of him and what he is doing and why is pulling back.

Remember HE pulled back so he has some issues to work through, let him work out his issues and you go have some fun!

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

How to Get a Man To Commit - What Every Woman Needs To Know!

Relationships are a two-way street that requires the utmost devotion between two people. While some relationships are specifically entered into for the purpose of having fun, others involve more serious emotions, The desire to settle down and make a lifetime commitment. For many women, commitment is something that is hard to get from men with whom they wish to share the rest of their life.

Although frustrating, it is also not without a solution. Listed below are a number of solid tips on how to get him to commit, without jeopardizing your present relationship.

Be Open about What You Want

A lot of women are looking to seal the deal with their men, yet they are unwilling to communicate exactly how they feel. In order to get your man to even consider the idea of settling down, it is imperative that you make your wishes clear when the time is right. There always comes a time in every relationship when each party need to tell each other what they want out of the partnership.

Regardless of what you think he might say or how he reacts, it is important to let it be known that you want and need commitment from him at some point. This way, he does not feel ambushed when you tell him that you feel its time to take the next step.

How To Get Him To Commit: Repetition is Never Effective

After you both have had "the talk", it is never wise to repeat yourself, at least not sooner than necessary. Reminding your man about your need of commitment repeatedly is never a wise move as it might put enormous pressure on him. Tackling the subject of settling down once every 6 months is enough, so try not to overdo it or he might just shut down on you completely.

Give Subtle Reminders of Your Best Qualities

Men are fickle by nature; hence, the natural aversion to the idea of settling down or getting married. However, it becomes easier to get a man to commit by reminding him of just how much better his life is with you in it.

Little things like cooking a nice meal or having his friends/family over for a special dinner would definitely get him thinking about the future and how great it would be if you are beside him through all the years ahead.

Allow Him Time to Process

While so many men are afraid of commitment and all the responsibilities/restrictions that come with it, others are more than willing to entertain the possibility. What most men really need is some time to process and think through everything so that they can come up with a sound decision of his own actually this is the `Secret` steer him in the right direction but let him think he`s come up with the answer by himself.

Giving ultimatums is never a good idea, especially if your man already seems on the fence. Letting him warm up to the idea of marriage and lifetime commitment make it easier for both of you in the long run.

Show Some Flexibility

In the same way that some men are adamant and have a non-committal attitude towards romantic relationships, women can also dig their heels about the matter. Showing some flexibility as to the time frame and other relevant factors involving marriage would make him see that you are not desperate or controlling which lady's is a very good idea.

Tell Him Your Plans

Some men severely lack imagination, which prevents them seeing the bright future they can have with the woman they love. Letting him in on your plans for the future is one of the best ways on how to get him to commit. It might very well be that what you have longed for is exactly what he wants as well.

How To Get Him to commit? Easy.. Make Him Feel He Has a Choice

The feeling of being trapped is one of the scariest things for men, which prompts them to stay as far away from the subject of marriage as possible. Letting him know that he has a choice in the matter is something that you should do if you want him to commit on his own volition. After all, you want a man who genuinely wants you right?

These are merely guidelines on how to get him to commit,since all relationships are different, it is always best to act based on what you know about your man and what you really want to do as far as your relationship.

This article is brought to you by FREE PERSONALS.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Why Men Pull Away - Four More Sure Ways To Drive A Guy Away

Granted some men just really do have issues and would run the other direction anyway but for the ones that really just want to get to know us better, sometimes we tend to do too much too soon.

And don't think for a minute that men are immune to this. Haven't you ever met a guy who said to you on the first date that he wanted you to be his girlfriend?

Um, what? Can I just finish my drink first?....and then hightail it out of here...

That happened to me twice and twice I did the same thing, got out fast. There was no second date.

There really is a lot to be said about coming on too strong too soon.

So what are some of the other things can can explain why men pull away?

1. Acting insecure and clingy.

I think this can be best explained by citing fears. When you are afraid of something bad happening between you and a man, regardless of how far into the relationship you are, you start to act out those fears in a way that comes across as being insecure and clingy.

So for example, you may be afraid that he isn't completely into you (just an example, can't think of a better one right now) and so you try to do things to get his attention and reassurance that he is indeed into to you.

So you call him way too often: want to see him every day of the week and get upset when he can't see you because he wants to hang out with his friends; want to do everything with him and go everywhere with him...

You see what I mean?

It's almost like you are smothering him. You aren't giving him space to breathe or time to think. If this happens too often or too soon, he will pull away.

2. Angry outbursts

It's when you lose your poise and your class - in other words you lose control of yourself. While you may think this is ok to let him know what you feel and to give him a piece of your mind, to a man, if this happens too often, he knows the type of hold he has on you. Once he knows this, he will push all of your hot buttons - every one. He is able to do so by saying or doing certain things to manipulate your emotions.

The problem is that when he gets a really good read on you, he's not interested in you anymore because you are too easy to control.

He'll look for someone else that he cannot control and who he cannot read!

3. Getting overly emotional

This is somewhat linked to Point 3 above since having an angry outburst is getting emotional.

However, think about dissolving into tears if he tells you something nice or does something nice for you.

Or think getting overly emotional about something bad happening in your life and then expecting him to help you to solve the problem.

Then imagine these happening more than once. He begins to feel somewhat uncomfortable because you are becoming emotional about things that may not warrant it that level of emotion.

So in the end it boils down to you being able to control yourself and your emotions just like in Point 3. Remember you control you, he does not.

4. Talking too much about the future

Before you and he became an item, did you know that he existed? You had a future that would not have featured him in it, right? Therefore stop talking about your future with him in it as though if he were not in it, you'd have no future!

And especially if he has not got to the point you are at yet. If he has ever mentioned while talking to you that "he is not ready", depending on where you are in your relationship, that is your cue to chill and never bring it up again or evaluate your relationship or interaction with him and see if you two are going in the same direction. If you are not, then perhaps there is no need to discuss the future with him anyway.

This news article is brought to you by LOVE - where latest news are our top priority.