Friday, June 15, 2012

Why Are We So Afraid of Getting Married?

We, nowadays men, who are fierce enough to face the most dangerous situations, sometimes as a lifestyle, we, who are proud of overcoming the fear from facing the most challenging situations; we feel all our motivation and our fierceness disappearing as soon as we must deal with the natural step we should take at last once in our life: to get married.

Why if we can jump from the highest places, to swim at the coldest waters, to get into the highest waves while surfing, to fly at supersonic speeds, to fight fire or to find people lost at the most remote places, by the solely mention of the word Matrimony all our fierceness fades out as if we were confronting the most dreadful situation in our life?

Why do we men are afraid of marrying a woman? The main cause that makes us losing our courage to face this situation is the feeling of losing some very important part of our lives as soon as we get married. What is that hidden factor that prevents us from taking what is maybe the most important decision in our lives? The answer in almost all cases is: the fear of losing our freedom.

The most important and puzzling fact -at least for women- is the answer to the question: Are we cowards? Of course not, because we can climb the highest mountains, we can throw ourselves from thrilling heights or to drive a car at the highest possible speed without feeling any fear, or by controlling it perfectly.

We can conquer the fear from these dangerous situations in a better way than the inner feeling that once we got married, we may never have any chance to do those things again. And in addition, it is so very difficult to explain to our girlfriends that without those seemingly simple thinks, we would feel as our life has come hopelessly to an end.

I agree if you are thinking that not every man wants being a super hero. Not all of us enjoy performing such extreme activities; maybe for some of us the most challenging goal we face is to win that bowling game by next weekend or to fish a bigger salmon next time, or to write that book we've always wanted to. Though any of these activities (the dangerous ones and the less challenging too) could seem not very important or even expendable, very few women understand how important they are for us.

The fear of getting married maybe is almost unknown for women, but for men it really exists and is always present, as an obstacle to overcome before making such an important decision.
Then, our fright comes from the fear of never doing those activities anymore. That is the fear we feel each time we think about getting married and is really a looming specter that causes that typical resiliency to get married that women know in their men, but they cannot understand.

If you are a woman and happens that you are reading this article to try to understand why your man doesn't seem to want to get married to you, then one of the best lessons you should learn from this is the fact that almost for sure your man loves you, and his resiliency to get married doesn't mean that he loves his activities more than you, but if you don't agree with the activities he enjoys performing as a habit, and you have shown that you dislike it, then you are destroying the courage he needs to join up to overcome the fear of getting married.

It would be more useful for the future of your relationship to agree - and to show it openly - with the activities he performs at his spare time, and to be ready to do some trade between you and him; for you to let him continuing making those things he enjoys, and from him not to devote too much time to them.

Please understand that once your man gets married to you, you shouldn't pretend that all his time will then be devoted to the marital life. Expecting that would lead him to avoid getting married as if it was the end of his life.

This article is brought to you by PERSONALS.

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