Monday, June 18, 2012

Meeting, Dating And The Road To Commitment, Is Love Really All You Need?

It has always been right there in front of our faces. Since the time we were small children, until now. Snow White, Cinderella, Pretty Woman, and Officer And A Gentleman, just to name a few. All Falling in love with the "Prince", and going through some sort of turmoil for 90 minutes. Then, at the end of every movie, he rides up, they kiss, and ride off into the sunset to live Happily Ever After. We were taught to believe that love is all you need.

But, is it? Not really. Because, what you don't see is the afterward. You have to experience that yourself. The afterward is when that initial rush wears off, and you really start getting to know each other. These movies do not teach the realities of relationships, so those realities end up being a big surprise to everyone. What you don't see is...

* Cinderella yelling at Prince Charming because he wore muddy boots into the house

* Snow White throwing dinner in the trash because he didn't come home in time

* Julia Roberts throwing his clothes out the window because old flames are calling

* Debra Winger on a rampage because he was going with friends for the weekend

Once the fairy tale wears off, all you are left with is reality. That's fine. But, now you have to learn to deal with that, and there aren't many movies about afterward. Of course, you can still have your dream, but you are going to need a little more than love to accomplish that successfully.

Love is a wonderful thing, but making that deep connection between yourself and him will be the basis for your relationship to move forward together. Men can be difficult to reach on there own subconscious level because, even they don't understand the road blocks they put up to keep you from getting too close. Sometimes, it seems they even set you up to fail by doing something just to prove you will nag, yell, or be unreasonable. Love is simple, relationships, not always.

Learning how men think, how they feel, and how they work can certainly give you a better understanding of how you want to move forward with your relationship. Being able to remove the road blocks by making that deep connection with him, can send him the right signals that will allow him to move forward on his own, and want take you with him.

The truth is, there are far more single women than married in the United States. For any number of reasons, men and women alike are staying single longer. Time and time again you will hear a woman say "there are no good men out there." That's just not so. What there are however, is women who believe that relationships should be perfect, and so should the man they choose. No one is saying women need to settle for less, or that Happily Ever After can't happen. But, you will have to give up the movie notions you were raised on, and actually make the necessary connections with a man if you want him to move forward to the commitment you seek.

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