Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Get Him to Admit He Likes You by Letting Him Know You Feel the Same

Times have changed which means that hiding your feelings won't get you the relationship you want. Gone are the days when women would act nonchalant but deep inside they are dying to profess their love for someone. Playing games will not get him to admit he likes you so stop pushing the guy away by pretending that you don't care about him. Sure you have to wait a couple of minutes or even hours for you to return a call or reply to a text message but do you really have to do this all the time? If you really like a guy and you want a serious relationship, I suggest that you stop playing manipulative mind games or you'll ruin everything.

One of my favorite authors, Dr. Henry Cloud, said that adults should treat dating like how children do in elementary school. They just let their feelings out without thinking whose side of the court the ball is in. Yes, go about it in a non-dysfunctional way. If we start doing this way, maybe there will be fewer breakups in the world. Forget about using jealousy to win a man's heart. You think that flirting with somebody else will keep the guy you like interested in you? What about acting like you are not interested at all? None of these tactics will get you to the path you want to take. If you keep playing games, you will sabotage every potential great relationship you can have. Getting the upper hand is not the best way to start a healthy relationship with someone.

While it is terrifying to put yourself out there and admit to a guy you are into him, as long as you know what men are looking for in a woman, you'll be good to go. Make sure you take a few steps so you can prepare before you approach a man, but if you are not brave enough to blatantly say out the words "I like you" out loud, there are few sneaky ways on how you can get the message across. Flirting can help but if you go for a kiss hello or goodbye or a long, sweet hug, it will make him feel really special. Giving a guy a compliment can also serve as a good start. Not only this will let him feel good about himself but he is going to love you for it.

You can also show a man you like him by doing something special for him. If you are good at cooking and baking then use it to your advantage. Men love women who can whip up delicious meals. And yes, the phrase "A way to a man's heart is through his stomach" remains true and applicable to this day. Prepare a special meal and invite the guy that you are interested in. Men always want to share their meals especially when the woman cooks. Let your cooking impress him.

Start a conversation and keep it fun and positive. Ask him about himself and his hobbies. Make him feel that you are interested in him by paying attention to every word he says. Let him talk about his work and his achievements. If you want to get him to admit he likes you, talk closely. Be charming and smile at him. Smiling generates good feelings. It makes the atmosphere more positive and enticing. Men are innately drawn to women with a charming smile. Make eye contact but don't stare at him because he might think you are weird or you are the making of a crazy stalker. Lean your body towards him so he'll know that you want to get closer.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

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