Thursday, June 14, 2012

Are You Sure He's Commitment Challenged, Or Is Love Just Not Enough?

You have been dating for a while, or maybe even a year or more, and he still has not popped the question. That does not necessarily mean he doesn't love you enough to marry you. It could however, mean you have to touched the right areas in him emotionally that will move him forward to that next step. Now you need to figure out how to get him there.

Women are under the impression that men and women think and feel alike. That is a complete misconception. Women can decided they love a man, and therefore, he is "the one." Believe it or not, men think and feel differently. Men think and feel with their hearts and their guts. They listen to their guts. You can't go asking him why that is, because he would not know what you are talking about. It's a subconscious instinct that they can't even figure out. Years of study have proven this to be true.

So, just because he is not moving forward, does not mean he doesn't love you. The most important things men look for in a woman are not looks. The woman of their dreams does not have to be drop dead beautiful, or perfect. Men want a woman who can connect with them. The woman a man will propose to, is the woman that's interested in the "real him." Men have two sides. The side that he shows to his friends, employers, and family. Then there is the side he shows to his partner. Of course, you will have to push the right buttons first.

How you handle simple conversations, the things you say, can make his emotional light turn green (go), yellow (caution), or red (stop). By giving the right responses, or asking the right questions can completely determine what color his emotional light is going to be.

- Are you interested in his job, or just his amount of income

- Do you ask questions about him and how he views things

- Do you show him who you are by trying to connect with him

These are all very important questions in the process of trying to reach the "real him" and it is critically important to the process of him feeling he can open up to you and making that deep connection. Men want a woman who is going to be with them on their life journey. The woman he chooses needs to understand who he is. Without that, your relationship will not move forward.

You will need to learn to get past the mental roadblocks that keep him from taking your relationship to the next level. Once you break down those barriers, you will see that not only is he not "commitment challenged", but he will initiate the moves himself.

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