Friday, June 1, 2012

Is Your Man Scared of Commitment? Signs That He's a Commitment Phobe

Very often a woman will first learn that a man is scared of commitment only AFTER he has left. Just imagine, you have the relationship you want with the man of your dreams.

Everything is on the right track and the future together looks bright. When seemingly, out of nowhere, he hits you with it - he wants time apart.

Or worse... he breaks up with you completely.

What happened? What went wrong? Your mind races; "Was it something I said?", "Something I did?", or (God forbid) "Is there another woman?".

Next thing you know you're on the phone with your friends and family - or frantically searching Google looking for advice about why he won't commit.

Your mind continues to race as you come to a stark realization; Your man is scared of commitment!

And, only adding to your frustration, you find that trying to get useful dating advice for women to be time-consuming and disheartening. As a woman myself I know that no two circumstances in a relationship are alike. So advice that has worked for others, may not work for you or I.

But rest assured, when wanting to learn how to get a man to commitment, helpful dating advice for women can be found right here. So let's start off with an all important question...

Is it normal for a man to be scared of commitment?

Yes - AND no. Let me explain... In all honesty, it is not uncommon for a man to drag his feet before committing to a woman. This is not only normal, but a fairly regular occurrence for both men and women to experience at one time or another in their life.

There are various reasons as to why he won't commit, but here are two of the more common ones:

  1. A guy may feel that they are too young to commit to a woman. OR...
  2. A man has just gotten out of a really bad relationship and he's not ready to rush into another romantic commitment.

In most situations, women and men who won't commit will change over time. It's true! And most often, all it takes for a change of heart is for a man to find the right woman for him.

However, in order to have the relationship you want with your man, you may need to open his eyes to the fact that you, indeed, are the perfect woman for him! With that being said, however, there is another type of individual with commitment issues that is NOT considered normal... a commitment phobe!

The Truth About His Fear of Commitment:

Any woman involved with a man with commitment issues should be on the look-out for signs that his problem with commitment is beyond what's considered normal. If you suspect that your man is scared of commitment for reasons other than the two mentioned above, it's critical for you to know the truth.

And the sooner the better!

A person with a fear to commit to the point of phobia is someone who has real, deep-seeded issues. A commitment phobe is not someone who can be believed or trusted. Mercifully, a man with an extreme fear to commit will leave tell-tell signs behind that give themselves away. You just need to aware of them.

As long as your guy is not showing signs that has commitment phobia, then you should do your best to remain patient and understanding during this time.

To Sum Up:

To have the relationship you want with your man is critical for your overall success as a couple; That goes without saying. But if your man is scared of commitment, it can be a long and frustrating road ahead for you.

In spite of this, very often what a man really needs is a little time and space to sort through his thoughts. Understand that these are his issues and not yours.

Try to remember that many a man shows a fear to commit at one time or another; Fortunately, this fear is usually only a temporary problem in a relationship. On top of that, by showing a guy that your life doesn't revolve around him will go a long way to get him to see that you are the perfect woman for him!

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