Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Wondering How To Get Your Boyfriend To Propose?

Are you wondering how to get your boyfriend to propose? I bet you have been wondering if there is a trick or something specific you should be doing.

Well, I can tell you there is no trick. It all has to do with the way you treat the situation. You will have to learn a few little 'secrets' that will improve your chance of getting that proposal that you have been waiting for.

I will go over a couple of Tips that will help you to move your relationship in the right direction. Once you have read this article and put things into action, you will be at the very least moving in the right direction.

Tip 1 Do Not Use The 'Ultimatum' Tactic.

If you have used this before then you already know that this just does not work. Backing a man into a corner and trying to get him to make a decision this way is what I call relationship suicide.

You will lose all credibility in the relationship. I know for me that no one will benefit if they make me decide something in this way.

It is just too narrow and constricting. How can anyone make a true or honest decision when their back is against a wall?

If your boyfriend does make the decision to marry you under the pretense of an ultimatum, then you will never know the true motive behind his decision.

It could be that he is afraid of being alone. It could be he doesn't want to hurt you. Either way, you don't want a proposal with this as the motivation behind it.

Tip 2 Be Conscious Of How You Make Him Feel.

Are you someone who is fun to be around? Do you smile? Do you make your boyfriend feel important?

Men really appreciate it when they feel like they really matter. If your guy walks into the room and he sees your face light up, he will notice. It will make him feel like this is where he is loved and where he should be.

A man that feels wanted, needed, appreciated and loved will be more likely to ask the girl who makes him feel this way to marry him. I know it sounds simple, but it is so true!

If you are wanting and waiting for a way to learn exactly how to get your boyfriend to propose; then start taking a look at what you are doing and go from there. Decide first if you are you helping it along.

If you are but you need help then ask for direction from someone you trust. Maybe someone who has already gotten a healthy proposal.

Remember to be honest, genuine and kind. You will get that proposal with a little focus on the right things.

This article is brought to you by ONLINE DATING.

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