Friday, June 1, 2012

Commitment Issues In Men - Is Your Man Stalling?

Too many women are wondering if their man is ever going to propose to them. They do not know whether he is stalling or has a problem making a commitment to them. Commitment issues from men can make you wonder what you can do to help make your relationship permanent.

Are you confused? One day he talks about how much he loves you then the next day he seems to have backed off from you. Whenever you think he is becoming emotionally closer to you, he suddenly changes direction leaving you trying to figure out what went wrong.

This leaves you feeling like your relationship can go on forever without his making a commitment to you. One question that may be on your mind is why does he tell me he loves me but after all this time has never asked me to marry him?

How can you turn things around when you have a boyfriend with commitment issues? Is there really anything you can do to fix commitment issues at all? What you must do at the first signs is take a step back and look at your relationship as a whole.

What have you done to try to keep the relationship going, hoping to entice your man into proposing to you? If you have fallen for the media hype about being as beautiful as possible so your man will be attracted to you, you are missing the point. While it is important to take care of yourself and look good, it goes much deeper than that when you are trying to get your man to commit to you.

How men and women think are not the same. Women are more comfortable with and more in touch with their feelings. Women are able to share their feelings more freely than men, who can find themselves struggling at times to express themselves. This is the reason for many men's commitment issues.

Men will play tough but they do have feelings and emotions but just do not let them be seen. When they are with the right woman, those emotions will come out once they start to become more relaxed around her. Your man will begin to share his feelings with you when he reaches this point.

As your man becomes more relaxed around you he will start to open up and let you closer to his heart. This is where you find your man starting to make a lifelong commitment to you. So your goal is to learn what you must do to get him to this point.

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