Wednesday, June 6, 2012

How To Get Him To Commit Without Being Pushy, Manipulative or Threatening

You have been dating for quite some time and are feeling it's time for your relationship to move on to the next level. You are sure he is the love of your life. You have reached the point where you are ready to be husband and wife. The problem is, he is comfortable where the relationship is and is showing no signs of wanting to move forward. You are now thinking, maybe he doesn't love you as much as you love him.

This is a common problem with many relationships. It causes unnecessary stress and tension to you both, putting a great deal of strain on the relationship. The truth is, love probably has nothing to do with it. He can absolutely love you as much as you love him. The myth about love is that it conquers all. That's what we were taught from an early age. Although love is what can get you together, it is only the basic foundation for you to build a relationship that can keep you together for the long haul.

This is where understanding men can help you. Men are a little more complicated than women realize, and probably more than even they realize. Men have two sides. One is the image of him that everyone sees. He is tough, strong, not intimidated, and in control. That special woman can only reach the side no one else gets to see. When he is able to open up and share his thoughts, feelings, and dreams of the future. The things he won't share with just anyone.

Unfortunately, a woman will try much harder to convince him it's time to make a commitment instead of trying to make the connection that will allow him to make that decision on his own. The choice between those two is key if you want him to make that ultimate commitment to you. Trying to push him, or using manipulative tactics will not be successful. These techniques will more than likely push him further away, and can ultimately damage your relationship. If you have already tried some of these, you may have already realized they are not successful methods, and now your relationship is more strained than before. That does not at all mean the damage can't be undone. But, at this point, you should stop listening to advice from your friends, and stop reading articles that are giving you even worse advice. By taking the right steps, you can break through the mental roadblocks and make that connection that will give you the love and lasting relationship you have always dreamed of.

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