Thursday, June 7, 2012

How to Get a Man to Marry You: Make Him Put a Ring On It!

It's natural for women to expect something more in a long-term relationship. It gets all confusing and frustrating if you've been with a guy for such a long time and he doesn't seem to care that the relationship is headed nowhere. If a guy doesn't see you in his future, are there any chances that he would let you know? Women who are too familiar with this situation know it too well. Some men have definitely mastered the art of "dragging". Yes the guess work keeps going and you keep playing the waiting game! If your relationship has become stagnant, there are a couple of things you can try on how to get a man to marry you:

1.) Talk about the future without dropping the "M" word. For some reason guys freak out when they hear the term "Marry". They start to act weird and they see this as false expectations on your part and too much pressure on their part. If there's one thing I learned, guys don't like the pressure and they want to do things without any manipulation. So how exactly are you going to talk about the future without the bomb exploding in his face? It's actually pretty simple. Tell him that you can't imagine the future without him or you are happy that you found that one person you click with. As cheesy as it sounds but you can tell him that you feel that this relationship is meant to be and you two make a great team.

2.) Don't push it too hard and no matter what happens, don't act desperate. Never mention things like you want to have a baby really soon because the clock is ticking. Restrain yourself from telling him that you found a wedding dress that you instantly fell in love with. Don't talk about getting married all the time because this will push him to the opposite direction. If you are to talk about the marriage thing, subtly start a conversation about a friend who's getting married and that you are happy for them that they have found "The One".

3.) Start making financial decisions on your own. Make him notice that you also have the guts to do the things he would normally do. If he starts questioning your acts, that is the perfect time to throw the "we are not married" line at him. It may sound offensive but it works like a charm for other women.

4.) Another way on how to get a man to marry you is to talk to him about moving. Tell him that you want to consider moving to another city for career reasons. Men like strong, self-sufficient women but at the same time, this makes them insecure as well. When a man knows that your world does not revolve around him and you are willing to have the relationship take the back seat for a dream job, he is going to freak out because he knows he might lose you. If a guy does not care that you are considering moving to another city then maybe you can forget about him. He's not scared to lose you and he definitely does not plan on tying the knot anytime soon.

5.) Should you give him an ultimatum? This is rather awkward and no woman would ever want to reach this point. Men don't like to be threatened nor pressured so an ultimatum may not be a good idea. If you really want to know if you are in his future, just ask him, plain and simple. Ask him where this relationship is headed and what his plans are for the future. It's completely ok to ask and this won't make him think that you are desperate. If you've been with a man for so long, you have every right to know where the relationship is going. If you think you can't handle the truth in case he tells you he doesn't want to get married then don't bother asking and just play the waiting game forever.

This article is brought to you by MATCHMAKING.

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