Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Should I Ignore Him To Get His Attention

Relationships are full of obstacles, from the moment you see a guy and think you like him, there are obstacles to overcome. You have to rty not to be nervous when he talks to you, try to be interested in what he says, and flirt so he knows your interested.

However, what about when you are in a relationship and you are not getting the attention that you deserve? It can be a really trying time when you know that you love a guy, and you do everything you can for him, but you still don't seem to get any attention from him.

Trust me you are not boring, and you have not suddenly become less attractive to him. There are so many different things going on in a guys head that it is extremely difficult to figure out what he is thinking at all times. So don't bother trying!!

I assume you have already tried talking to him about how you feel? If not then this is the best first step. Don't try to over-analyze the situation, and don't put all the blame on him in the first sentence. Starting with "Why don't you love me anymore" is not the right way to approach him. He does still love you and does not want to have an argument about it. A better way to start would be to say something like "How about you and I go and have a picnic lunch in the park today?" this way you will have him to yourself in a nice peaceful setting where there are no distractions. You can be sure to get more attention from him when it is just the two of you alone. It is also easier to talk about your relationship when you have had a nice afternoon together.

If you have tried talking to him and he is still not showing you enough attention then it might be time to ry something a bit more drastic. He needs to be shown what he is missing out on. There are several ways to do this.

1 - Go out with your friends a lot and leave him at home alone.

2 - Brush him off when he tries to talk to you.

3 - Completely ignore him -the best way to do this is to wear headphones around the house.

You have to make sure that he knows you are still happy even if he isn't giving you lots of attention, and that you can handle things without him. Men are basically needy and they need to know that you love them, however on the flip side they hate needy women who are constantly hanging around them.

Ignoring your man might get him to pay more attention to you, however, it should only be used as a last resort.

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