Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The Best Ways to Show Each Other You Care

Over time it can become easy to take each other for granted, forget about doing those little things that matter so much to our partner. Let's take some time today to remind ourselves about the best ways to show each other you care. It doesn't take much to invest in the quality of your relationship and improve it immeasurably.

Here are some of the best ways to show each other you care:

- Remember the small things that matter to your partner. They may like to get up at a leisurely pace at weekends; take them a drink of tea in bed. Run them a bath after a busy day, start preparing the evening meal if you're home first. If they like things done in a certain way learn to respect that as a part of the person they are, a part of who you fell in love with.

- Demonstrate that you're thinking about them when you're not together. Just sending a simple text or picking up something you know will appeal to them, like details of a concert or a book they've mentioned can mean so much and really show that you care and are thinking of them.

- Making time for each other is one of the best ways to show each other you care. Even the busiest of people need to eat. Sitting down together for your evening meal can provide important time to relax and chat with each other about your individual days, your lives, even your plans for future activities. Time spent communicating is an important part of commitment to a relationship, so decide to record your favourite television programme for future viewing and regard the time you spend together as an investment in your relationship and a way of showing that you care.

- Make an effort for each other. Sometimes it's important to show each other you care by doing things that may not be especially appealing. Standing in the rain watching a football match, going round the shops at a weekend, visiting each other's friends or families may not be your favourite way to spend your free time, but may be important as a way to show each other you care and are prepared to make an effort. Similarly, listening to your partner talk about the same problem repeatedly may require patience, but if it's troubling them they may need to be heard. Supporting your partner through their problems demonstrates that you care.

- Look nice. Taking a pride in your appearance matters. Some people feel that once they are in a committed relationship they don't need to take as much care about how they look, their weight, the way they dress, their personal hygiene or their good manners. Mutual respect is about appreciating each other and the fact that you both still choose to remain together. One of the best ways to show each other you care is by taking the time and effort to look nice so that you remain attractive, appealing and desirable; pleasant company to be with.

- Remain interesting. Keep up to date, with current affairs, modern culture, interesting developments, each others lives so that you can have interesting, relevant conversations not just about whose turn it is to take the rubbish out or which items need adding to the weekly shopping list.

- Have the tough conversations. Showing each other you care means being prepared to insist that your partner visits the doctor or listens to your point of view when you feel that they are in the wrong. Sometimes having difficult conversations or working through unpleasant times together is part of an enduring, caring relationship.

This news article is brought to you by SMALL HOUSE PLANS - where latest news are our top priority.

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