Monday, June 4, 2012

How Could Such A Perfect Creation Become So Destructive?

He tried to alter the course of nature but failed. He selfishly craved for recognition, when in him unrighteousness was not imputed. He tried to change God's plan and purpose with his "I" syndrome but his purpose was defeated at that old rugged "CROSS".

The big question is, "What caused his dissatisfaction and what would have happened if he had repented and asked for forgiveness"?

It all started with the first polemic war, then the first lie, which demonstrated corruption of an original outstanding creation. The architect of this distortion plan is the famous Lucifer, the once covering Cherub of the throne of God. The saying, "Misery loves company, is an absolute truth" but, where did misery come from, when Jehovah made this Cherub perfect in his ways from the day of his creation?

It is unimaginable, the outstanding qualities this Cherub was lavished with. He was generously endowed with wisdom and perfect beauty. He was an original occupant of Eden, the garden of God, with every precious stone as his covering. This outstanding piece of workmanship was specifically place on God's holy mountain, where he walked in the midst of the stones of fire.

Why on earth would such an exalted creature allow himself to be contaminated with unrighteousness, thus infuriating his maker to such an extent, that he casted him out of his Holy Presence? Did Jehovah give him too much power, wisdom, and beauty? Why did he allow his beauty to coerce him into becoming so self-conceited and, his brightness to corrupt his wisdom? There are so many unanswered questions about this creature's behavior, that at the end time, Jehovah should put him on trial with all believers as the jurors, to allow us to hear his side of the entire matter. Although we know who this skillful father of lies would blame, we should be given the opportunity to hear him out.

This proud and boastful creature who began to suffer with an "I" syndrome, was so restless, that in his heart he intended to make these steps to compete with the creator:

(1) I will ascend into heaven

(2) I will exalt my throne above the stars of God

(3) I will sit also on the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north.

(4) I will ascend above the heights of the cloud.

(5) I will be like the most High.

Lucifer wanted equal authority with the creator, so along with his loyal supporters and cohorts, he started the first war. This polemic war promoted such a dissension among the angelic hosts, that Jehovah had no other choice but to cast all the villains into this earth, where they are now creating havoc and destroying our well-being.

His pride and self-exaltation ruined his life and because of the sentence he received, he is here unleashing his fury and vengeance on God's perfect creation. Daily, his treachery is proving how rebellious and defiant his nature has been transformed.

He was not only satisfied with defiling the Holy Sanctuary but instigated a plan to defile the hearts of humanity too. However, that big bite he took caused him to choke. He advocated the Savior's crucifixion on that cross, not realizing it was meant to be a symbol of our salvation. To his surprise, his fury was outmaneuvered by God's outstanding love.

When Lucifer's sinful nature erupted, he assumed a satanic personality. This beautiful and outstanding specimen who was transformed into a hateful and vindictive character, coerced the first earthly human occupants into following his path of disobedience. Immediately God had to begin a salvation plan to vindicate his noble character. His only begotten son Jesus the Christ, contributed to the plan, by condescending to retrieve Jehovah's creation from Satan's planned destruction.

Compared with Satan, Jesus stepped down from deity to join humanity, so we who accept him as our Savior could be delivered from Satan's iron grasp. Jesus then made these 5 downward steps to help God's fallen people:

(1) He made himself of no reputation.

(2) He took the form of a servant.

(3) He came in the likeness of a man.

(4) He humbled himself

(5) He was obedient unto death.

What a contrast! Unlike Satan, who intended to ostentatiously exalt his throne in the heavens but was later cast down, Jesus, who humbly condescended to join humanity, to reinstate us unto God, was highly exalted and given a name above any other name, by which man could be saved.

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