Thursday, June 14, 2012

Ways to Get Her to Commit - 10 Ways to Strengthen Your Relationship

You really like someone and don't know what to do? Think about trying some of the following tips to let her know about your feelings:

1. Buy her ice cream regularly. Honestly it's not expensive and there is something about ice cream on a hot summers day that makes you feel so good. In winters make it hot chocolate. That happy feeling she gets, she'll associate it with you. Find small ways to do so, nothing too grand or outrageous.

2. Look at her when you talk. Yes! It sounds so stupid but it works. Why? Because it will make her slightly nervous, and nervous isn't always bad. She'll try to think why it happens and if you're on her mind it's a good sign. Just be sure to not stare at her constantly. That is creepy.

3. Treat her differently than you treat your other friends. If you don't she'll assume that she means just as much to you as all the other girl female friends you have. Show her you care, every once in a while make the extra effort.

4. Play games with her. No not mind games, not dirty games, actual games. Monopoly, scrabble, charades, Call of Duty, anything. If you get her competitive you just might get her playful.

5. Tell her she has a pretty smile. Girls are suckers for this compliment. But don't be too obvious; just slip it discreetly into the conversation, she'll notice.

6. Don't be all up in her face all the time. If you do this, chances are she'll see you more of as a convenience tool or just get annoyed. Be there but remember to not let go of your own interests and hobbies. Your personality does matter and these are things that contribute to it.

7. Try to get her interested in something you enjoy. Be it baseball, hiking or collecting Pokemon cards even. If it's a shared activity it will get you talking more and spending time together often.

8. Be a good listener. Help her vent her frustrations by talking to you.

9. If you are sure you like her enough to risk your friendship tell her. Plain and simple. And don't expect her to respond immediately or be disheartened if she freaks out, give her time to process.

10. Once you've made the leap and declared your ardent feelings for her remember to not drastically change how you behave with her. Yes you now have the liberty to flirt with her more openly but treat her as the friend you did before as well. Laugh, joke the way you used to because if she wants to be with you chances are it's because she appreciated these qualities in you.

Relax. And keep it simple. If she likes you she'll let you know.

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