Friday, June 15, 2012

I Love You - What If He Does Not Say It Back?

Those oh so important three little words, I love you. Before saying them for the first time we all have the worry, if I say it first and he does not say it back I will look and feel a fool. So who will say it first then? If you both feel like that it could go on for years in stalemate. Someone has to take the risk. And that is what relationships are all about, risk.

What if he either says nothing and there will be an awkward silence, or he will say sorry I just do not feel the same? We then have to make a judgement call as to if he is telling the truth. Is it just his fears holding him back, is he wanting to get the upper hand or is it how really he feels? Or maybe he just is not as far down the road as you, he just has not realised how he feels yet.

If you think that is how he really feels then it might just be best to walk away. Depending of course on how long you have been seeing him. If this is your second date it is understandable, and maybe you should look more at yourself than him. But if you have been seeing each other for a few months, or even years and you think that is how he really does feel, no amount of pushing will make someone the one if he is not. Or does not want to be. So you would be better off finding someone else.

But if it is fear of commitment then you have to decide if it is worth persevering with the relationship, to see if it is really just that and he will get over it. Of course maybe he will not. Some men never do.

But they normally run, telling you:

He does not want a relationship.

Has no time for a girl- friend.

Work is too demanding.

We all know the list of excuses they reel off. I expect most of us have heard a lot of them.

But maybe he is playing games with you. He wants to make you sweat for a while. Men do not like being pushed into things and feeling backed into a corner. They like to do things in their own time. Some do not like women making the first move; they feel it is the man's job to take the lead. So if your man is like that it is probably best to wait for him.

You are the only one who can make the judgement, it depends on what sort of man he is. Only you can decide if he is just pulling away from you or he really means it.

You have to ask yourself is he the right guy for me? Is he worth waiting for?

This news article is brought to you by ANIMALS AND PETS - where latest news are our top priority.

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