Tuesday, June 12, 2012

I Want To Get Married - Unraveling The Perplexity Regarding Why Some Men Won't Commit

One thing that women have in common is the fear of falling for a fella who doesn't want to commit. How many gals have opened their hearts to their beloved, just to find out that the feeling wasn't mutual? There are plenty of explanations for why some men won't commit, but unfortunately they'll never discuss the matter with you.

If you are reading this article, you are probably experiencing commitment issues with your beau and can't seem to muster up the nerve to approach him about it.

Well, let's see if we can unravel some of the perplexity regarding why some men won't commit.

The L word clinker

Women are frequently guilty of leaking the L word because they are hormonally motivated. The release of the love hormone oxytocin is initiated in women by physical attraction and stimulation. For this reason, she starts feeling that she needs to be with a guy for a lifetime.

Unfortunately, guys don't possess those same hormones, nor are they able to understand your thought process. Some men won't commit because the L word scares the living hell out of them.

Never misinterpret that warm and cozy sensation you get from snuggling, as love. And never permit yourself to cry out the L word during an intense intimate moment, unless you want it to be your last.

He's got his priorities

He's spends a whole lot of time at work and when he does get around to spending time with you, he carries on about work and it seems as if he can't wait to get back to it.

Many guys believe that a relationship will only hinder their careers. Many men want a house and maybe a few other possessions before they contemplate committing to a relationship. It's really not such a terrible thing.

It would probably be a pretty healthy objective to concentrate on your own career so you don't spend every day just hanging out waiting for him to pay attention to you.

You're his back-up plan

One moment the two of you couldn't be closer and then all of a sudden, he's preoccupied once more and unapproachable.

You can't telephone him, but he contacts you. He doesn't let you know where he works or what street he lives on. And your dates are always either at your place or in some hotel room.

OOPS, I'm sorry, but you're probably the mistress. There's more than likely another gal out there with a legal claim to your guy.

Whenever there's a Mrs. or a fiancée or even a steady girlfriend who was there before you, the intelligent course to follow is to walk away. You deserve way more than that.

You frighten him

Yes, he really likes you a lot, but...

The truth be known, some ladies have a natural aura about them and it spooks some of the more timid guys. The way he sees it, you're seductive, successful, self-reliant and you are constantly swarmed by admirers.

Of course, you can't help it, but the poor guy cringes at the very idea of constantly warding off insecurities when he's out with you.

So what's a guy going to do? With what he views as a rather bleak future with you, he moves on quietly.

You can possibly offset this by making him feel needed and important to you. In short, cultivate his self-confidence.

Unraveling the perplexity regarding why some men won't commit will take more than just knowing some of the reasons, now you have to discover how to persuade him to commit.

This news article is brought to you by EMOTIONAL-FREEDOM-TECHNIQUE - where latest news are our top priority.

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